Author Topic: EA Announcement  (Read 26433 times)

Offline K8n

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #50 on: November 24, 2009, 11:43:45 PM »
Weve tried, but we really cant please everybody and whats decided is decided i guess and im sorry to have to deliver this news.

I mean, obviously what weve decided is set and wont change but what other things would you like to see change?
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Offline carlgreen

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2009, 01:24:59 AM »
Well, as you lot know, i have been busy sorting sh*t out moving to Wales and i haven't had time, it didn't occur to me that the EAs felt like it wasn't like it used to be as the summer was awesome, we had so many amazing meets, and i know you will agree to that.

as i was busy doing stuff Ketan kindly stepped up and took pretty much most of the control, if this was anybody else i wouldn't have minded i have never said this club or group was mine, as it is everyone's and even if you wanted to try and make something worth while i would have been OK with it. But Ketan was the only one to say he wanted to help and this was because he could see i wasn't on the forum much and i did have other stuff going on.

As for sponsorship please don't be pi**ed at Ketan for making decisions i have made just as many in the last year or so that you lot wouldn't have known about but i think telling too many people makes things too messy, lets be honest EAs have been pretty crappy at making decisions in the past and also keeping track of things, (we have a reputation that we are always LATE lol)

like i did say in the first post i didn't want this to be an arguing issue and i wish people would communicate more, if you was unhappy u could have emailed me or MSN'd me or Ketan. i also understand what you mean by saying lets get a "Range" of skills on the Team, i also think that would be an amazing idea, but the sponsor wont understand that, they want the best to really show off. And at the end of the day this team is only for events and TBH i cant see us getting that many events a year.
Everyone is more than welcome to meets and if we can get more than 10 people in i WANT you there, this was a big decider when this was being discussed i don't want to put people out but this will get the EA bockers hopefully a bit more of a reputation. Lozzi as for Teaching people it makes things hard with insurance as it seems, nobody will insure powerbockers anymore. :( other wise we would be there gettin people on stilts etc.

Also the pictures and videos are NOT limited to the display team i have said this time and time again, this means we WANT you at meets so we can get pictures of you up on the LSD site, and the EA site (news on that to come soon) but if you think your being left out because your not on a Team or not being involved tell us. please don't take it to heart we knew people would be "worried". But this just makes me more determined to make people realise it CAN work.

I think we need to really try it and push it before we pull out and go back to the way it was before.

EA bockers are ALL sponsored you can tell people this you can even put this on your CV that your in such a lucky group, We are the FIRST group to be given an opportunity like this. And im sure its the start of an amazing bocking future, heck we might even get gym meets etc, easier then everyone can come along. and we ve then managed to get a gym out of it?

Please tell me if im talking rubbish and i will try and make things clearer the last thing i want is a split group and lots of angry bockers, because then we just end up a creek without a paddle like other groups.

It seems i am rambling on a probably not making much sense

Love you all

Carlos Fandango Green


Offline lil-lozzi

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2009, 02:39:56 PM »
I take on board what you have said and appreciate all the hard work you have put into the group, but to help us all become even more motivated by the sponsorship deal and to help us less practised improve, PLEASE let us know when and where the gym meets and outside meets are with as much notice as possible so we can get to them !!

I don't want us to be split into sub groups of the EA's either but sometimes it feel that others are making it that way by not informing us of what's going on and not involving us.


Offline TomH999

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2009, 02:55:12 PM »
Unfortunately lifes a b***h sometimes.
You might not want to here this but as the sport grow and gets bigger its going to happen, sub groups are going to form and people will break off but thats just life. For this sport to evole this is what we need, groups like this that can take the sport to the next level in the public eye.
From what I've read in the post it seems they guys who have got the sponsor are doing a fantastic job, good for them, but you have to remember you can't have everything.
Only if you put yourself out there it will happen for you.


Offline ChazzleBerry

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #54 on: November 25, 2009, 02:59:05 PM »
Unfortunatley not, these so called " Big sports festivals/ Events" will be display team only, Local events would be anybody.

thanks for clarifying that k8n =]

as for everything else... i think its great that you have done so much with out anybody asking you to. it shows how dedicated you are to the sport and the EA's. i dont want to fight and argue i just want to bock and have a good time with frends so bring on the future of the EA's xD

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #55 on: November 25, 2009, 03:02:03 PM »
I cant stress how much this display team thing only get little bits of exclusiveness, i.e the big events, normal meets, videos, pictures, the website will be for everyone, Display team is litreally 10 people showing others who we are, please take not on "who WE are"

Thanks for understanding people,
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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2009, 07:21:52 PM »
PLEASE let us know when and where the gym meets and outside meets are with as much notice as possible so we can get to them !!

We haven't had a meet in 3 odd months, not since Ash came to cambridge with us, so if people were thinking we haven't been telling them, there just haven't been any, simple as :)

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #57 on: November 25, 2009, 10:10:41 PM »
But some of you have been meeting up right ???

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #58 on: November 25, 2009, 10:25:25 PM »
between newmarket yeh, maybe half hour up the clocktower , nothing worth posting up...
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Offline Trixter

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #59 on: November 25, 2009, 11:46:00 PM »
I gotta agree with Hilly if im honest and personally have felt like since i came back into the sport in the summer that the whole group had changed all im gonna say is i wish the EA's the best of luck i really do cause i can see the EA's just becoming the ten people in the display team if im honest

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2009, 12:59:54 AM »
Just my two pence worth, I may be wrong here but I actually think that there's a miscommunication going on...

I think all carl / k8n mean is that although you guys are now a sponsored group it doesn't effect anything greatly but there will be times when the sponsor will ask them to do displays or represent them and only the 10 people in the team will be able to be the representatives due to the way the contract is.

The first post had 5 spots still available I think anyone who wanted to be part of the display team should have pm'ed or emailed Carl/k8n and showed their interest or reservations. 

I think the EA's have always shown a relaxed attitude to bocking, but as time goes on the "face" of the EA's has changed - I remember early on it was very much Rob, Carl, Hex    and now k8n is the driving force, his making things more organised, setting your goals higher and getting sponsorship as his focus- it may not be the way all of you want to go but there is no harm in having both the best of both worlds - A fun group just the way you have always been and on the other hand when needed a more professional PR front.

I get that it would be nice to be "in the know" of what's going on in the background but I have noticed that many posts have been made for suggestions and there has been lack of contribution, I know I've been in a similar position when I've suggested something / or asked for help or suggestion and although I get given positive feedback, there is no suggestions or constructive criticism which then demotivates you to ask in the future and  you just get on with it instead.

A question about the team - do you have to give names of the 10 people in the group or is it just any 10 people. A suggestion could be that if any 10 people can represent you could perhaps open it up and choose people right for the "job" as it comes up. I know in the past insurance companies have not asked for specific names to be put down but that  "10" people are covered. If this is the case it would drive people who want to be in the team to be more active and also contrary to popular belief not all the jobs you will get will be putting a display on and being spectacular many of the jobs Pro-Jump 101 get for example are teaching people and children and you don't need to know how to flip to do that so if the policy/contract is open then this allows for more flexibility.

There's loads of you in the group, there is no one stopping you organising the meets, posting dates, not every meet needs to be big sometimes even only having a few of you may make it epic - if you want a meet don't wait for someone else to post it or suggest it just do it! btw I think this is the first time I have seen the EA's publically have a disagreement, you have your own part private part of the forum so you should keep these things specifically for the EA's there and show a more united front to the rest of the world :P

The EA's are one of my favourite groups,  as you formed around the same time as I started working for UK Good Deals so I've seen you grow from just a few people to who you are today. I'd hate to see you fall out so work it out guys, talk to each other and move forward together  :thumbs:

Offline Trixter

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2009, 08:53:51 PM »
i think its just a matter of best bockers only for displays which means that flips will be needed etc and most EA's cant flip who are the spare 5 spaces going to be filled by which is whats puzzled me since the first post when ther was  only 5 names ?

Offline ChazzleBerry

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2009, 10:07:24 PM »
i think what naz was saying about the display team makes sence... like rotate a few if not all of the display team for different events so that everybody gets a chance and no body feels left out.

i just want to clarify the fact that at no point did i not like this sponsership or anything. i think it is all a great thing which can provide the EA's with an oppertunity to grow. just want to make sure i haven't been mis understood for saying that it isn't what it is.


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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2009, 10:42:53 PM »
Just to clarify what I said would only work dependant on how the insurance is - it's now hard to get powerbcking insurance for groups so there may be a restriction.

Offline lil-lozzi

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2009, 11:17:36 PM »
i would also like to clarify that i think the sponsorship is brill and that its going to take the EA's to the next level but the only relay queary is at what cost to the feelings of the group


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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2009, 11:50:06 PM »
Hi guys. What I am about to say might be stupid, or useful. I'm not sure yet.

What is going on with the EAs right now is great. Honestly, I have respect for all those involved. I spent some time doing it and truthfully it's hard work. The EAs are a fab and enthusiastic group. More so in the real world than on these forums which can cause problems with the organisation. For things to happen everybody needs to to a little bit when asked, respond when asked ect. That part of it really took it out of me. I felt I was trying my best and nobody else was willing to do the things I needed for me to do what I wanted.

That aside, and this is some advice for those involved in organisation. There will be a certain percentage of people who just want to bock, who don't want to organise, who just want to turn up to the meets and have fun. Then there will be those who want to push the group and really make it something fab. This is often a thankless job and people take the hard work for granted and will be happy to just turn up to the things that have been organised. But then there will be another, smaller amount of people that may not necessarily be on the committee but will be interested in what is happening and will want to help. All groups (not restricted to bocking) have these people and it's hard to please everybody. The important thing is to keep those that do care in the know. And also, people don't have to be part of a committee to help so if people are willing why not give people things to do. This will benefit everybody. I think it is important to do this now you have a structure and members. I know it's early days but it's something to aim for.

AGMs and EGMs are actually great. It might not be everybody's cup of tea but it gives every person in the group to talk to the directors/organisers and voice any concerns and talk about it face to face. It really helps to clear the air if people have concerns and helps members feel confident in the organisation of the group. There is often a lot of interpretation over the interwebs. Even a conference call or group IM would be an improvement. If people are not in the know it can upset them.

As for the display team, I think it's great. I would be interested to know what the benefits are to the whole group? What is the sponsorship? What do you get in return? If it could be a number of people instead of listed names I think it would be great for the group. That way it makes the display team and group seem like the same thing. No separation and it makes it just makes it seem like the team belongs to the group a little more. Obviously, if this can't be done it can't be done but I think it would have it's benefits.

My last point is about the structure. I know why it has been done. I was involved in early talks about it. At the time when it came to organising a committee for insurance purposes ect it was decided it would be best if for the first year the committee would just form, with no vote ect. Which imo was for the best. But it can't stay that way (not elected). The group does need consulting about it's future. The display team probably should have been one of those things. Pitched in the right way and talked about in advanced with the group I'm sure you would have had everybody's support.

I mean, obviously what weve decided is set and wont change but what other things would you like to see change?
I understand this has happened. It is good. But maybe just something for next time.

This is a members group. People should really be elected. If people want to help and be on the committee they need the chance. The members also need the opportunity to select who they want to be on it.The committee serve the group, not the other way around. It's hard and it sucks but its the way it kind of has to go. You might find that nobody wants to be involved or people are happy the way it is but it has to be about giving members a voice and chance to decide.

Sorry for the long post. I hope it doesn't spark any trouble. I know what I have said may be a little controversial. I'm not trying to upset the current committee or anything. That's the last thing I want. I know what it's like and its hard work. As I said, I have respect for you. These are just the sorts of things any members group should aim for. I'm in an unusual position it the airfield of being a normal member and knowing the problems the members are having but also knowing everything that goes on behind the scenes with close friends and family being on committee. The 2 groups are actually very much alike. It's just the airfield a little further ahead with this stuff.

Keep up the good work guys :)


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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2009, 01:35:49 PM »
Thanks Spud in response i do have a few things to say,

1. the commitee is non existant as we are not going to become an official group unless somebody else wants to do that. we dont have one as we dont have "members" nobody pays to be in the EAs and we are just a group of friends, If somebody is genuinly interested in wanting to help or even do something for the EAs then i have always been more than welcome to let people try it (just like you Spud with the website etc). But i like the idea of having meetings but again this does cause promblems like getting everyone together as we are so far apart. but i do hope people can come online and talk to me about any queries they have and hopefully something can get done.
2. the display team will now remain open, so that people will be rotated to help with events as im sure there will be events that people wont be able to make so we will need others. i hope thats what you want to hear,if this makes the group happier i am willing to give it a go. As for what the Ea bockers get from LSD, its nothing, we get reputation and we get to show bocking off, they are not willing to pay anything as this is a basic sponsorship. we MIGHT be able to get travel expenses paid for, for those attending the events. Also might be able to get some LSD drinks but no promises at the moment.

If there is anything i missed please let me know

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2009, 01:36:46 PM »
You forgot to mention that you love men.
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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #68 on: November 28, 2009, 09:57:42 PM »
Does anybody have ANYTHING else to say about this?

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #69 on: November 28, 2009, 10:12:32 PM »
Shudda left it Carlos. :(
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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #70 on: November 29, 2009, 12:24:48 AM »
ok wow this might not be my place to say anything but the hell with it i have read alot of this topic and there are a lot of good points,
every group has its up and down every one with have meets where others dont know ( like if next door has stilts are you going to tell the whole group you are going bocking outside your houses after school ) there will be the people who can flip and the people that cant ( its not their falut that they has put the time in or they live close to the gym and can get there for the meets) it doesnt mean you are any less part of the group this applys to all groups and not just to the EA's i know it has been brought up in this topic, people need to read LESS in to this and just be happy for the group on a whole and what they are doing for the sport and the name of your group in which you are a part of.

i know im not a EA but if i was and was not on the team i would be happy for the people who are and who are doing the work like becky has been doing for the epb who mad us what we are today. i understand people views that they would like to be in the team but the team is they to show off what people can do at the top of the sport if all people could do on stilts is walk not jump and do the tricks i know that i probs would have tried a set.its like all things if you see somthing amazing you want to do it and it is this which makes people try new things its a bit like fishing you need bait to get the fish; then is need the whole group as a whole to make the new bocker feel welcome and want to stay in the sport

i hope this has helped a little if not im sorry i just dont want people to fell left out as your not your just not the bait but you are the keep net  :Cbiggrin:

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #71 on: November 29, 2009, 01:34:55 AM »
Thanks for the constructive input and points lynch, all taken in m8 :)
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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #72 on: November 29, 2009, 01:30:18 PM »
yer this is great new sponcers should be great
looking forward to a t-shirt  :Cbiggrin:
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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #73 on: November 30, 2009, 12:51:53 AM »
As for what the Ea bockers get from LSD, its nothing, we get reputation and we get to show bocking off, they are not willing to pay anything as this is a basic sponsorship. we MIGHT be able to get travel expenses paid for, for those attending the events. Also might be able to get some LSD drinks but no promises at the moment.
I wouldn't call that "Sponsorship", I'd call that "Being used".

It's not really sponsorship unless they give you something for doing it. At the moment it looks (to me) like they're using you to promote their drink and you get nothing in return.

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Re: EA Announcement
« Reply #74 on: November 30, 2009, 11:49:13 AM »
Ash at the moment we get some drinks from them and t shirts, But we have to prove we are worth sponsoring, you will find no company will chuck money at a group or person they don't know so we are on a year contract after that year if we prove to them we are worth having we will get offered more and another contract.