Author Topic: W4L practical suggestions  (Read 2488 times)

Offline Bbmthbloke

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W4L practical suggestions
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:04:26 AM »
OK , yep a 3rd thread for this event!, I thought Id jot down a few suggestions for people. A 10 Km walk is a tad different from other meets.

B4 the event

Sign up. As an individual or in a group, it doesnt matter ..we all gather together on the day.
Start raising money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Book the monday afterwoods as a holiday, think about it-you know it makes sence.
Check and service your stilts.  Hooves, you will need lots of rubber, you do not want to be doing the last couple of K on bare metal.  Tighten up all nuts and bolts, maybe even oil the things.
'A hoopy frood always knows where his towel is'*. Well you wont need a towel, but a couple of tea towels maybe usefull. Or hankies, bandanas, pillow cases or similar. Why? The stilts 'will' rub. Peeps have laffed in the past. But ended up asking me if Ive got something to stop the blisters. Mainly this is an issue with knee bars, tho there may be an issue with the new metal heal plates on the Exos. Just tie the things onto the frames.

On the day

What to wear? Very little! In that anything you dont need will be dead weight you will have to carry for a few hours. So shorts and Tees, tie a spare tee to a stilt to change into at end of the day.

What to take? Again, v little. If you can avoid it, dont bring a backpack. Some1 else will have a tool kit! Ideal is just money, tickets, 'phone and keys. You might want to pop to a bike shop b4 hand and buy a lil  saddle bag they fit on a stilt real well and saves u filling a pocket. Ill bring sun cream all are welcome to have some.

Where to meet? Its a v small park/field between Tower Bridge and City Hall ( glass eggshaped building where the major works), so finding each other should not be a problem. But, after signing in (south east corner of the field) head to the north east nearest to the Thames.

Food and drink.

Water is supplied at the start, ( just after ) the middle and at the end of the walk. please, please do take and drink it slowly and steadily and buy more if you think you need it. Dehydration will probably be the biggest issue for people, on the day and the day after.  There is a M&S food hall at the edge of the field and a number of little tescos around the route  so you can easily avoid 'tourist ripoff' prices for food. If we spot somewhere suitable there will be a 'pimms-break' around midway.

Well thats a start, if you have more ideas or questions...thisis the place to post   :oD