Forum > Competitions

Competition Winners

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Hi All

Firstly please accept my apologies for the delay in announcing the winners - time seems to really fly when you're very busy.

Unfortunately (and this is probably my fault!) I don't think the entries captured what we were trying to do but although it was mentioned that a prize wasn't guaranteed I hope the winners will be happy with the prizes offered!

Winner: Brendan - £100 towards anything on
Runner ups: nakedsamuraiguy, squeeker, Biohazard, Jason  - Any bindings from

Please pm me with your details and what you would like - I'll try and get prizes out to you by the end of the week

I would also like some suggestions on a competition for next month - so get your thinking caps on, lets make it a good one :)

Thanks Naz

Great prize

Gotta admit I agree that none of the entrys met the criteria despite some good tries

Well done Brendan and all

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:


--- Quote from: Jason on March 13, 2011, 07:26:25 PM ---Thanks Naz

Great prize

Gotta admit I agree that none of the entrys met the criteria despite some good tries

Well done Brendan and all

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

--- End quote ---

What he said :P

well done to all the winners :) i also concur (or however you spell it) with jason but good try everyone :)

Brendan (NeoNinja):
Yay, thanks very much Naz! ^_^ I'll PM you my details when I've thought about what I'd like. Thank you, thank you! ^_^ x


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