Author Topic: Noob on stilts! Video too..  (Read 2584 times)

Offline killax

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Noob on stilts! Video too..
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:15:18 AM »
Well, went out with my brother today to take video for help purposes only.  Didnt do much in the video, i was sore from work, tired, etc.  The grass was wet too.  So, after the day..i came back with a sore back and watched the videos.  I relised the reason my back is sore, unknown to me, is because when i was jumping on two legs, and trying to bounce back up, i was leaning forward, and i was probably pulling up hard..causing me to just pull muscles in my back.  The bone is fine, i cant pin-point the soreness, its just "My back"

So, the video showed me my jumping is wrong.  In my slowmotion, 2 leg jumping, i started bad, but the last 2 jumps where not too bad. I wasnt leaning forward, and my arms looked about right, just wasnt doing my legs right.

Half the reason i cant jump well, I'm 135 pounds. theres are 133-155 pound springs, and i only have maybe 3-4 hours of total use. I felt like my one leg jumping was weak compared to last time, my leg at first was still a little sore from the last time when i landed and it nicked my knee or something.  By the end, only my back was sore, from double jumping wrong.  I didnt relise i was leaning forward, or trying to thrust up with my body instead of my arms.

So there you have it.  Learned more about jumping.  Grass is soft, and long (like 3 inches)...So im sure if i was on concrete id be bouncing more.  I did NOT fall today.  I did running FOR THE FIRST TIME, that video was my first time, no practicing before.  and off video i did some run to jumps and my brother claim it was good and i had a good jump.  But any time i lost my footing especially during the run-jump, i always got my self balanced right away.  Didnt come close to falling ever.   So, im feeling very confident with my self on these now.  I dont fear falling (thats why i tried running) and thats why i tried run-jumps.

Fact is, my springs are just too much for me, and i just simply have to work harder until they loosen up.  Once they do, my fun begins :)  by time they do, i should be prity good.  I'm staying on grass for now, but im confident enough to do concrete...I just want to experience an accidental fall during walking/running on see how much it sucks.. Doing it on purpose is fun as it doesnt hurt.  I fell today, to practice getting up, and of course i got up the first attempt at it.

All I can say is even though you hear people say stuff like "Those look dangerous! Those are badass!" and friends being friends saying "You look like a retard :P" or "Dude i want some!" is fun.  and my parents, who were terrified to DEATH of me having these, witness me on them.  Both my brother and mom saw me on these, and they both think its a lot less dangerous than they thought.  They thought it be hard to stand and walk because its a curved peg.  Its not.

Love bocking!  Hope i can get jumping down so i can start enjoying these on concrete in more public view, like a park.   I want to get people to see them in hopes to find people who will buy them and form a group to get together.  I have one friend who wants them, but needs money so hes saving.

Offline billymaya

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 10:36:59 AM »
ello mate :)

good video your doing well your springs look like they are bending well so i wouldnt worry to much them being the wrong springs it does get a bit frustriating at the start when you first use them i know when i had mine i really struggled with them but didnt take long before i got into the swing of things,you will notice a huge difference when u move on to concrete as the grass being soft takes alot of bounce out of the stilts,regards your sore back its a common problem with new bockers its called bockers back basicly. your using muscels that you havent used before and your back is getting used to the impact of you bouncing up and down i also had this and it peed me right off i thought my bocking days were over :( but after having a weeks rest and my muscels slowly building up the pain went and ive not had it since so if it gets sore take a rest i know its annoying but you dont want to push yourself and do yourself an injury.

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 12:03:44 PM »
Hey Killax,

You're looking good mate. If the grass is long then go find the concrete. You've got pads and helmet on so no serious harm is gonna happen even if you do fall*.

I think you need to spend more time on them and more time jumping. I'd probably look for something to hold on to like the roof of that shack in the background, hold on to this while jumping. It will give you a lot of stability and give you the chance to concentrate on your bouncing, power and balance.

* Dont listen to Locky, he's an idiot.

Offline Jason

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2011, 02:02:02 PM »
Well done Killax

Nice vid and yes vids help lots with technique
I lean forward on a bad day so I know about the back it gets my neck too

Your getting there mate all you need is time and practice so get out and enjoy yourself

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline killax

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2011, 03:56:43 PM »
I plan to take the week off.  After this week ill be working 2 weeks on computers. Right now I do a lot of stock work and heavy lifting.  So my body is tired from that. Today my legs are sore and my back isn't too bad. Ill take a week off,try to take things easy so I can recover with full energy. I felt my left leg bouncing was very week compared to my right. I struggled with the left because it was sore.

At least I'm having fun, and 8 understand grass takes on a lot of the impact of jumping. At least it lets me build muscles to do it, so when in concrete ill be jumping prity good! Hopefully haha

<3 Jumping Stilts :)

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2011, 04:07:32 PM »
Yeh watch that back, the voice of experiance! its good to rest a while. your body only adapts to forced changes during rest periods :CGEEK:
But looking good so far.  :Cyes:

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Offline killax

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2011, 10:09:35 PM »
Is it something that goes away after awhile?  The days I do a lot of stuff the following day my legs are sore more around the knees kinda, and down. Along with more recently the back. Does all of this go away after awhile?  Where using them won't result in sore back/legs unless you do it for a really really time?   Working on my energy with them, get tired really fast :D

Offline billymaya

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2011, 12:08:04 AM »
yeah don't worry mate it eases with time its alot for your body to get used to.your using muscels that you have never used before which you do when bocking, i rested mine for about a week or 2 and ive not had any back pain since, i still get achey leg joints round my knee's after a long sesh and sometime ill pull a muscel, but now i can bock for 5 hours or so of a weekend with the riser raptors with a little break for lunch imbetween lol and im fine, bare in mind this is coming from a over weight lazy git thats hasnt done alot of exercise for the last 12 year pmsl ;)

Offline killax

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Re: Noob on stilts! Video too..
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 03:13:08 AM »
yeah for me, I never did much outside besides bike ride.  I can ride a bike for ever it seems, i just never get tired unless i really push it.  But stilts, I get breathing bigger and exhausted fairly fast.  Guess its just the progress of muscles being use and growing stronger.  I mean, your lifting 8 pounds roughly on each leg, something your not use to.  And yea, I know bocking using muscles that most people dont have to use.  I'll probably wit until sunday or monday to try to go out again and see how my body feels about it.

Last time i was fine with jumping.  What did it for my back was trying to double leg jump.  Quiet different then single :)  Should be plenty of time.  Tonight, little over 24 hours from the session, I feel fine.  Back gets me when i stand up fast, or lift stuff, else im fine.  I have school this week (college) so ill be doing a lot of resting. and i took it slow and easy at work today.  So hopefully by sunday ill be ready to attempt jumping, maybe move to concrete and feel the difference.  I started jumping 2 sessions ago, by holding onto a pole on the grass. and found i was cheating using my hands on the pull to lift me up, to jump a good foot.