Author Topic: My progress thread  (Read 5411 times)

Offline killax

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My progress thread
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:20:56 PM »
I'll update this little by little as things move along.  I live in the USA and recently purchased my Air-Trekkers Friday night.  As a beginner I wasnt sure what to go with, so I figured I might as well spend the extra $50 for the Adult Extreme models, CZ60s for 133-155 model.  My weight is 135, age 19, so it was the best set to go with as they didnt offer lower.  Just means I have to work harder to break them in.

So yeah, Rather excited and cant want for my large box to arrive!  I will update this thread with progress of using them when I get them.  But I do have one question about them, well...2

First,  I take its impossible to actually stand in place with these?  Always have to keep stepping a little to keep balance?

second, any estimates how long springs will last?  Being protected well with extra layers of protection.  And when they break, do they break in a rather safe matter, or a Snap == You eat dirt/concrete?

Also want to add I do of course intend the full elbow-knee-head-wrist protection plan.  I'm a little on the thin side and a PC/electronics geek.  Stilts are my excuse to actually do stuff outside.  My wrist will prob sprang or break if i fell, and naturally not being a sports freak, id catch my self with my hands. So, I intend to get wrist guards for sure!  Even with those, is the best way to fall catching yourself?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 05:02:14 PM by killax »

Offline XDvandalDJ

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 05:20:00 PM »
You'll always have to keep moving. But as you get better you won't have to step as much.

The spring wear depends on you and how often you use them. If you're using them every day for a year it'll be different then if you use them once a week.

I get a half a year plus out of a set of springs before they're too soft.

As for your spring wear on the air-trekkers. Not to freak you out or anything but there seems to be a few bad springs popping up lately. I had a spring crack after a few hours use a couple months back. Then at Bock the South in the states randy went snapped two sets of springs in two days right at the start of the meet.

In June during Capital Bocking USA. Mike snapped his 3 week old springs, and I snapped another set of springs.

The good news is that the bad springs seem to show up at around the 10 hours use mark. If they last longer then that they're normal and do the gradual break down over time thing.

So they're not ever meant to out right snap. If yours does it's one of the bad ones. Luckily they're great with warranty claims.

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Offline killax

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 06:57:02 PM »
Thats always good to know.  Do you know if its just with the CZ extreme models are all of them? I think each model rather its the regular or extreme has its own spring because the extreme model under the foot support, that bar bolts to the spring it self unlike the adult model.

Will see what I get out of them I guess.  Good that they dont just snap out of no where, and good that they have good warranty.

As long as the spring breaks within a few months I'm fine.  I live in Michigan, so bocking only works March to November, unless you want to bock in the snow.  My use will vary, Due to life (work/college), so maybe once a week, maybe a few.  So seems I'll get my moneys worth.  Even if its just an hour, still fun.  I intend to go to an elementary school near by to train on these.  They have an extremely large playground which is 80% grass.  Around that, concrete sidewalk for outside gym.  That way I can train a little in the grass.  Use the baseball diamond large fence as getting use to moving around.   Grass is nice for falling.  then switch terrains when i feel like I'm able to move around easily.

I want them now!!! X_X *dies of excitement*

Offline killax

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2011, 01:31:04 AM »
Well I was able to finally get out today, on a stormy day, and practice some more like 30 minutes before the rain came in.  I mainl just did walking around in a large field, to get the springs broken in, and to get me to the point that i feel fully comfy with walking.  I'm able to stand in place taking very small, few steps to stand still.  So i  feel like I have good control of balance for walking.  My mother decided to drop me off there today and of course she was all over it so i didnt want to try to work/attempt jumping or running while she was there as she would probably freak over it like she was at first.  She said after seeing me do it shes more understanding of it in terms of saftey.  Was in the full helmet, elbow+leg+wrist pads setup yet she also wanted me to have a bite guard but i refused to that one lol.

Anyways.  I made todays session goal:  Standing up after a fall.  So i purposely fell on the ground, and tried to do what I recall from videos.  Was rather doubtful at first that the instant i get up ill flip over.  But i got up the first time doing it, and i didnt have any feel of off-balance.  I just got up and prity much stood there, then walked.  Was a lot easier than i thought it would be, just have to force yourself to do it and ignore all the "What if"s

So.  Todays session helped me...
*  Learned how to stand up, only did it once, then started raining, but first im was easy!
*  Got more control over balance

Sadly it was stormy!  Usually theres a bit of people at the playground playing sports or having their kids play.  But there was no one, as it was thundering out and getting dark.  Limited session, hoping to do another fairly soon with pictures.  My brother wants to see me on them and hes a photographer freak in his own mind.  So, I'll have pictures for once!

Offline Jason

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2011, 07:43:45 PM »
Sounds like your well on your way mate

Well done

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline XDvandalDJ

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 10:50:43 PM »
Thats always good to know.  Do you know if its just with the CZ extreme models are all of them? I think each model rather its the regular or extreme has its own spring because the extreme model under the foot support, that bar bolts to the spring it self unlike the adult model.

Will see what I get out of them I guess.  Good that they dont just snap out of no where, and good that they have good warranty.

As long as the spring breaks within a few months I'm fine.  I live in Michigan, so bocking only works March to November, unless you want to bock in the snow.  My use will vary, Due to life (work/college), so maybe once a week, maybe a few.  So seems I'll get my moneys worth.  Even if its just an hour, still fun.  I intend to go to an elementary school near by to train on these.  They have an extremely large playground which is 80% grass.  Around that, concrete sidewalk for outside gym.  That way I can train a little in the grass.  Use the baseball diamond large fence as getting use to moving around.   Grass is nice for falling.  then switch terrains when i feel like I'm able to move around easily.

I want them now!!! X_X *dies of excitement*

It's mostly been the CZ series that's had the snapped springs. Though the set I snapped at Capital Bocking USA was from the older model.
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Offline killax

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 12:45:39 AM »
Had more messing today, was bloody hot out!  I tried jumping a little with both legs hitting the ground using a pole for help.  I'm on the low edge of these springs in weight, like 2 pounds above the minimal.  They didnt have another series lower, just means more work to break these in i guess.

Walking is prity much done.  No need to work on that, I did a lot of that today, and i did a lot of attemtping single and double leg jumps.  I did it in open field, didnt fall once trying to do it because i always caught my self by taking the right steps.  But damn, harder than i thought it would be! without a pole I would have to guess i can only jump 5-8 inches!  My right leg got a tad sore at the end, and no surprise, when i took them off the left leg, left pole of the cuff was angled out..will remember to tighten more next time.  I need to also put pads around my knees because Its not a 100% tight fit, so when jumping (unless its just how it works) i felt like it wasnt fully dead locked to my leg 100% as I FELT like i had to angle back a little.  Maybe its just how they work.  Either way, I was able to at least double leg bounce, or bounce left/right while walking and bringing my legs up high in a bouncing motion.

Was fun over all.  It's probably bad that im praticing on grass isnt it.  Grass absorbs impact, so my bouncing ability is less on grass isnt it?  If i can jump 5 inches in grass, which is soft, i would think concrete would be a lot easier to get more than 5 inches as thats a hard surface.  Ive been walking/jumping in grass only, no concrete.

Feedback on the last paragraph?

Also, whats the best way to jump  I know you keep your knees straight, but what do you try to do to give you that upward force?  Obviously just standing straight and stiff wont get you anywhere...If you dont bend at the knees, What do you do?  I cant fully recall, but i think during jumping i was doing easily over 1 foot with a pole, but i was putting a lot of my force to the pull with my arms, which doesnt do me any good to practice jumping, only get the hang of the feel.  But when i went without the pull, I might have been bending my knees, as well as swaying my arms up.  I tell you, first time trying, hot day, Wow..tiring!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 03:27:13 AM by killax »

Offline Jason

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Re: My progress thread
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2011, 06:49:34 PM »
Hi Killax

Grass is a good place to practice mate as you can fall without hurting to much and you have to put more power in to get the same height so you will build muscle quicker

As for the how to of jumping it is a lot easier to show someone than explain it but

Although you want to keep your leggs straight when you land you need to bend them in the air and straighten them just before you contact the ground

You get a lot of extra height by using your arms same as any jump

Best thing you can do is go to the video gallery and start watching people jumping that will give you a good idea of how to go

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: