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Right, I've got a few;

1. I've got an offer of a school sports hall to practise in, nice and heated and out of the rain, but it's got a shiny wooden floor. Am I going to slip all over? Will my tyre socks leave marks? Anything I can do so they won't?

2. I really want to get good at bocking as is before messing about adapting things for costumes, but it doesn't hurt to think about it... any one have any pics or links of costumes built around/including bocks?

3. How can I stop without loosing balance? Any time I get a bit of a stride going, then try to stop, I wobble all over the place. Any tips?

I think that's it, for now :-)

1.  Shiny wooden floor is not a problem when it comes to slipping. Your hooves have plenty of grip. Normal hooves and tyre socks may both potentially leave a mark on that kind of floor though. Poweriser (i think) did used to make non-marking hoof rubber, but I'm unsure if it's still available/in production. Some people I think have also put socks over their hooves and still been fine.

Also I should say that, if this gets to a point where it's working, and you have a regular gym, you may never get rid of me.

2. There are plenty around, some in the forum's gallery, others around google. I'm sure you can find a few.

3. Without seeing you bock, it's hard to tell. If you come down to 'boro (or I come up to NC, though this isn't likely until I have a lot more money) I could definitely help more with this. In the meantime though, it may help you to start taking smaller, faster steps as you slow down (at least this is how i slow down from running). Bear in mind that you can very rarely stop completely (without some form of support). In fact I've only ever seen it done, when people don't realise they're doing it. Instead, to stop unsupported, you must always keep your feet moving.

Hope I've helped.

Agree with all that Hilly

Some times when you fall the older stilts used to damage the floor but the new ones are a lot less pointy in the bolt department so apart from the hoofs making rubber skid marks (some do some don't) the main problem is the noise you make when you land (they are rather loud on wooden floors)

Have a look at these two posts of past Halloween meets for costumes
And here is the link to the Haloween Gallery;cat=33

You should find plenty to try there
Also search youtube for "stilt costume" there are some good ones on there

Stopping is an art that you will get after you have fallen over a few times  :Claugh:
It really is just a case of either "Back Pedaling" as Hilly said  or you can turn the forward motion into height when you get good at jumping

But practice will help as will getting together with other bockers

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Ooooh! Pretty costumes! Thanks for the links :-)

I think I'll try to find some of those white tyres little girls bikes sometimes have to make socks, I figure they shouldn't leave any marks. I don't want to risk any damage.

Thank you :-)

Might work but be aware that we tried several types of tyres over the years with various results

I remember a few people had coloured tyres (the snakeskin ones were really cool) and the strange thing was that some black tyres left black streaks while some seemed to leave no trace at all
White tyres could also leave a white streak (I saw one set that did ) and the red ones someone tried left the floor looking like some one had died   :Claugh:

So there is no guarantee that any type will be perfect it is just luck of the draw
I use a motorcross motorbike tyre on mine and they seem to mark very little unless I do some sort of silly power slide

There is one sure way to go though but you might not think it is stylish

A few people (Q for one) bought kids trainers/gym shoes and just laced them up on the hoof
They give very good grip and most won't mark the floor as that is what they are designed for

Here is a link to the page with them on (at the bottom)

I think they look cool but I am very old  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:


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