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Bock Bag

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Hi guys
I need a bag for my stilts but the ghost bikes site doesn't sell them anymore

Where can i find one?

Blondy:  :Csmile:

The main disadvantage with that bag and others like it is that you have to lower the kneebars/cuffs to get the stilts in the bag

This seems fine at first but it is a real pain setting them up each time you use them

I made a bag to carry mine when set up and to be honest I think I have used it once in 5 years  :Claugh:

If you are traveling and need to protect them it might be a good idea but for daily use I would just get used to carrying them or make a strap up that ties them together and can be slung over your shoulder

If you are going abroard get a big hardshell suitcase and pack them with your clothes that should protect them against even the airport baggage guys

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:


--- Quote from: Jason on February 12, 2014, 09:58:46 PM ---If you are going abroard get a big hardshell suitcase and pack them with your clothes that should protect them against even the airport baggage guys

--- End quote ---

Because you mentioned hard cases, you now have me thinking of building a proper, nice stilt specific, felt, or foam lined hardcase like the sort of thing you see for musical instruments, but for stilts. Like I didn't have enough projects! THANKS JASON!

Or maybe one with dry ice in it and bright LEDs, so it it smokes and lights up every time you open it like when someone finds an ancient alien artifact in a movie or something.

When I get some money and tools together I already have a plan for a new pair of modded stilts, maybe this is how i can present them when they're finished. (also Jason, I may need to ask you about the tilting footplates you made for exos...)

If you think you have a lot of projects get this list of current ones on my books (not back burner ones all active)

Get back on stilts as soon as I get more than 20 mins spare  :Claugh:
New front CV joints in Discovery (Up on stands in front yard )next weekend weather permitting
Also get it to start without having to open the bonnet and hotwire it  :Claugh:
Rebuild Cosmochronotrope (a type of clock) look it up it is beautiful and I got it for a song due to it being trashed
Make case for above (almost done )
Rebuild Badof clock and repair case (this one is actually working at the moment)
Build flood defenses for the Mother in Law (on going by the hour all this week)
Stay on Unicycle for longer than 10 seconds (ongoing for last 6 months  :Claugh:) gaining about 2 seconds a month

That is this months
Oh and go to work 5 days a week  :Claugh:

So get building your smoking case you could make it Pod shaped like in Alien and have them rise out slowley
Or make a Transformer style backpack that turns into a crash mat and high seat while holding the stilts for you to put on  :Claugh:

Jason   :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:


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