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POWER BOCKING EXPERIENCE => Pro-Jump Videos => Topic started by: Wylo on May 07, 2011, 03:14:20 AM

Title: I'm back.......better, stronger, faster, higher
Post by: Wylo on May 07, 2011, 03:14:20 AM
Greetings fellow projumpers

You may recall a slight incident i had a few weeks ago involving a bridge, some concrete and a ride in an ambulance. Well, the final count at the fracture clinic was an elbow and wrist, several ribs and my head is a slightly different shape on one side. This was punctuated with 5 weeks of finding out how useful your left arm really isn't. Oh, made the local newspaper too. When i called the council to acquire the cctv footage (of which there was none) i was told not to run in the bike lanes of medway. (is that enough to join the list of banned bockers?)

Well, i am happy to report that i took full advantage of the good weather at the weekend and 'jumped'......see what i did there.......onto my stilts and heading for the warm patch of tarmac outside my humble abode. I was surprised at how familiar they felt, but now somehow different. Now i don't mean to be crude, but i can only liken it to the first time you have sex after you lose your virginity. Less stressful, calm and it kinda doesnt matter what happens as you no longer have the fear of growing up maintaining the big V!! At worse, your concern is how long you can last bouncing around  :Cbiggrin:

So here is my first couple of sessions on my purple Mr. Tumnus legs (my beautiful little granddaughter has just discovered C.S Lewis.....when i say discovered, i mean watched it on tv.......i weep for the youth of today) in a reasonably clever montage sort of thing with mildly funny and kinda ironic backing music.

Is an awesome thing when your world is a bouncy one!!

Title: Re: I'm back.......better, stronger, faster, higher
Post by: Locky on May 07, 2011, 07:20:30 PM
I am not sure what is better, the fact you're back or the fact you're a bocking grandad :)
Title: Re: I'm back.......better, stronger, faster, higher
Post by: Jason on May 07, 2011, 08:17:02 PM
Forget the Bike lanes mate I think you need to be banned for you own safety  :Claugh:

My original ban was not because the bocks were dangerous but because I was to dangerous on the Bocks  :Claugh: so it sounds like you are in the same league  :Cbiggrin:

Glad you back up and bouncing and your on the Banned list  :Cbiggrin:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: