Pro-Jump PowerBocking Jumping Stilts Forum - Community for Power bocking / Pro Jumping!

POWER BOCKING EXPERIENCE => Bocking Tips => Topic started by: Archie L on April 30, 2009, 08:22:17 PM

Title: Yet another jumping topic.
Post by: Archie L on April 30, 2009, 08:22:17 PM
Hey all, I was just wondering- Does anyone else's knees bend foward when they "Push with their heels" ?
It seems that no matter how hard I try, whenever I push off with my heels, it just sends me flying fowards into a hyperstack. :(

Also, I'm getting my pro-jumps soon (ordered them yesterday) And wondered:
On my current powerisers (3-4 years old) I cannot seem to get anymore than 2 feet or so of hight, no matter how hard I push, but my springs do bend a lot. (The hoof is about 15 cm from the support bar) And just wondered if it's just my springs that are basically dead, or it's me.

, Archie
Title: Re: Yet another jumping topic.
Post by: sprog on April 30, 2009, 08:33:51 PM
The fact your hyperextending your knees whilst jumping is not good. Try adjusting the angle of your footplate, see if that makes a difference.

How heavy are you and what weight range are your springs?
Title: Re: Yet another jumping topic.
Post by: Archie L on April 30, 2009, 08:36:30 PM
I weigh 69kg, bocks are 70's. I've adjusted my footplate, so the toes are pointing up very slightly, but I just can't put my weight on my heels :(