Speedjumper Quantum
Speedjumper Quantum
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Description: Detaill Pic of Speedjumper Quantum
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Posted by: Speedjumper at January 13, 2011, 02:57:23 PM

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Comments (26)

January 30, 2011, 07:18:34 PM
Some people ask for Pictures of the new Professional Design. I posted a few today. Hope you like them ;-)
January 21, 2011, 11:44:30 PM
No comment hehe!
January 21, 2011, 10:35:12 PM
*lol* Did this means...you (Lothar) are always talking to much?
January 21, 2011, 09:30:01 PM
that goes without saying
January 21, 2011, 05:55:29 PM
I thougt, i talk to much ;-)
January 21, 2011, 04:07:53 PM
What happened to your post Lothar? It was spot on and just what I was trying to say ;)
January 21, 2011, 12:58:47 AM
January 21, 2011, 12:51:18 AM
oh, what's up here?

So many comments in a few hours....

To say the most important first...I have a very good and long relationship with Naz. And of course...i bought all models from China since years. The first innovation in stilt design came from HK. I bought them and at first they seem to be good. But just for a few days. The Idea of a frame with a different Spring was ok and it comes from HK.

After a few days I told China that the frame is very bad and the spring cannot take the additional stress. They told me, what the ever say: "We have no claims about it"

The Elite Model was one of the best looking stilts. But one more time with many faults. The Footplate brakes and the bearings are....no bearing. I claimed that in china and they worked long on a modding. I have pics for the moddings of the bad Footplate, which never come in the market. We fixed it for our market.

The Rubbers (the red ones) loose the connection to the plastic hooves after a few hours of using. Very dangerous.
I have a vid with one of my testers, who loose the rubbers in the air during a high jump. We fixed it.

Than we have to wait long time for a new jumper. No one knows, how intelligent people can make a Frame like the stilt which come than.

I bought this model and must catch them back all. The new design was nice, but not stable.

That was the point to invent a own good Stilt, without all these bloody failures.

So Naz is right, if she say....The real invention come from HK....but
what is an idea, withgout a stable product?

China told me, that there will come new Stilt which will be stable and good. I wait and wait.....many month

Each month they told me...wait a little bit longer...

Than I invent the Professional Version 1. The new Idea was..to make a stabilisation behind the foot and use full material for the frame to make a very solid frame.

A few weeks after i showed the pics of the new Professional Version 1 the new EXO was invented. ;-)

But because on Pics you cannot see all features, the copy was not good.

We used a full material, a 12mm Screw from the hozizontal bar to the vertical and 10mm Aluminium left and right side. The Chinese copy use cheap material and just a 3mm Aluminium to stabilisice the rectangle.

We test it...and the frame from China broke after just a few hours. One more time the realisation in china was not stable and bad. Also the connection for the Cuffs did not hold the force, even if the Split fastener were a good Idea.

All the time i informed Naz for the reason, that she not buy shit in a great amount and send her Pics about all items.

So the result is: Some times the chines have good ideas, but in the past they cannot realisice it in good stable products. The Idea of a direct spring connection came from China. We fixed the problems.

The idea of making the footplate sizeable comes from SJ, China did copy it badly, because 2 or 3 cm are to short.

We make all parts which are important for the precision and performance perfect. But China make it cheap but even bader.

The bearings for our Models are quit the most perfect of the world, and the ones of the China Stilts are "no bearings"

But what Naz say is ok.....the new enhanced Jumpers are a good enhancemant and ok for the price.

But a perfect stilt is a hard work and not possible to produce in Asia, and have it's price. But that's my problem ;-)

January 20, 2011, 09:51:58 PM
It was an original idea from HKA, Speedjumper brought from them so like us had early prototypes sent too them ;)

With regards to the delayed release of the EXO, if we wanted to we could have released these over a year ago but held back as we prefer to do our own prolonged testing in the UK where we can use to feedback to make the product better rather than doing a microsoft...
January 20, 2011, 09:33:46 PM
Ah, it's all going to be impossible to prove on either side. The upwing was a failed design. It looks like sj fixed it. But who originated it? Both sides could probably go back and forth.

Heres that old thread from 2008 if any want to see it. it's about 17 pages long read through it all to see how it went down.

January 20, 2011, 09:25:11 PM
The biggest myth at the moment in bocking  (apart from the few that Sprog was guilty for) is that SpeedJumper's design was ripped by the Pro-Jump Chinese Manufacturer (Hong Kong Amusements / Flying Jumper or Flying Locust as some know them as - referred to now as HKA).

The original design change was the Pro-Jump Elite which never got released by us but other sellers started selling them in 2007 (See http://www.projumpforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1006.0) This design was in the prototype stage in 2006 and the then Pro-Jump Display Team (B-Bounce) got to see the CGI when they came to see us in Preston very early on.

This was the first time a spring with 6 holes was made and worked, The patent holder Alexander Boeck recently told me his original design did have this feature but he could not get the spring mixture right and therefore the Chinese actually succeeded where he has failed.

If you look at the first design and subsequent designs it was only at a very late stage that speedjumper refined another design by HKA, after photos of this was published online the key part that had been adopted by them was the heel section which was a part that speedjumper added and not on any previous HKA stilts...

So you can say SJ copied HKA who then helped themselves to an idea that SJ came up with - imo both as bad as each other :P

Lothar I look forward to your reply :D
January 20, 2011, 09:17:44 PM

Exo or more the company that produced the design ripped speedjumper off. I could find you the thread on pp. SJ posted some pictures in a thread started by masterking a year or more ago and not a month or so later powerstrider/air-trekker released the olympics in the US. I got the prototype model to review for a month in December 2009.

When these were released speedjumper was furious and stopped posting pictures of what he was working on. I sat and watched all these posts unfold back then. It's obvious that the chinese companines lurked the threads, and copied the design from his pictures.

The exos waited a year to be released over here in the UK so they could be modded with better bolts and hardware as they were very lacking in the states.

But just because speedjumper is just now trying to market to the UK at the same time you guys have gotten the EXOS (a year behind the US). Doesn't mean his are copies of that design.

if it wasn't for him innovations in stilts wouldn't of happened. Not from the chinese companies. To think other wise is laughable. Not after experiencing the crappy quality of their stilts and the fact alone it took a year to mod the exos to be suitable to market in the uk is a big testament to that fact.

January 20, 2011, 08:49:07 PM
IF the springs require this much protection. I think the manufacturer should be supplying it as standard. Look at the thickness of the protection on 7's.   How much mre does it cost?  erm pennies i should think.

I doubt the exo's r a rip off of speedjumpers btw . exo in different names have been available around the world for some time. SJ  have just looked at um and saw how they could be made better. Sorta similar to mountain biking...u can get custom hi spec bikes made... but they r based on production designs and use many standard components......the result is higher performance, but at a cost.
January 20, 2011, 02:55:34 AM
give me links
January 19, 2011, 09:46:17 PM
Not all that again! I'm not saying the SJ's are not better. I just think people are going to want some evidence of that first. You have to consider that up until now the difference in performance has been linked quite strongly to the springs and as you know EXO's and SJ's have the same springs.
January 19, 2011, 06:23:54 PM
Of course the design of the EXOS are similar. The company ripped off the Speedjumper design when Speedjumper posted a picture of his stilts a year or so ago on pp.

But this is the cheaper model. Judge on the professionals.
January 19, 2011, 01:56:30 AM
The problem so far, and it's nothing to do with the stilts themselves, is the fact that every comparison made has been with the old style stilts such as M series PJs, 7's and skips. Imo the frame design of these stilts and the exos is an improvement over the old design. What I, and probably a few others want to see is an objective comparison between these and exos. The price difference is big but the design is very similar and springs the same. People are bound to want to know what benefits they will get for spending more on SJ's. So far nobody can say!
January 18, 2011, 11:21:52 PM
Hello at All,
I'm the One who hold the SJ-Quantum in the Picture in Hand's. And I think the price is not too much, sure it look's like there is nothing on it...but in contrast to some other Stilt's you have not too much weight on it, this means you can jump still higher without annoying additional weight to pull up your feet's in the air.
It look's much better than other Stilts. The Stil's I jump before it, were 7 mealige and they're in all way's different. I always had problems with them.

You should realy test them, you'll see there're awesome   :Cwink:
January 18, 2011, 10:40:59 PM
@ Nero...

It's is difficult to show Quality in Pics. As you once will see and feel the Models, you will change your mind. Ok, maybe you will think...he must say this. But there are objective testers in different countries who are 100% satisfied and know that these Jumpers are very special.

But....Nobudy must buy it. ;-)
January 18, 2011, 10:38:15 PM
the cover is made by SJ from Neopren

January 18, 2011, 08:57:38 AM
the more i see these the more i think they are overpriced
January 14, 2011, 10:22:26 PM
where do you get the spring covers? :Hoofies2:
January 14, 2011, 10:20:05 PM
You should consider it as an accessory :)
January 14, 2011, 04:49:23 PM
No, the spring cover is not standard ;-)
January 14, 2011, 02:34:20 PM
there nice, do the spring covers come as standard?  :Straddle5:
January 13, 2011, 11:33:37 PM
Now let's see some more of the pros! :)

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