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POWER BOCKING EXPERIENCE => Bocking Stories => Topic started by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 06:03:55 PM

Title: Running down hill...
Post by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 06:03:55 PM
... I found my first problem on my PJ's today, running down hill. I decided to go for a wander erlier today, round the golfcouse that I walked round in the dark on my 3rd stilt walking lesson. Put on my PJ's, run down to the beach fine, up the hill to the golf course fine. Got to a long flat behind the course, so was running along fine, and before I noticed I was going downhill at a faifry decent speed.

At this point i'll mention that I think the springs on my PJ's may be too soft for me, any step I take is real squishy, unlike the PJ's I learnt to use. So, running downhill, I decide to try to stop, and all i seem to do is go faster, or scuff one foot then run a bit more to stop myself tripping. So having problems slowing, and heading rapidly downhill towards a wall, I could either hit the wall with my arms out to slow the crash, crash/trip before the wall, or grab an object I pass and hope for the best.

In my mind, grabbing an object seemed the least potentially painfull, so I grabbed a lamp post, well more launched at a lamp post, swung round it, and landed next to it on the floor, laughing like an idiot. Much to some old dear's surprise. I'm gonna hit the hill when I get my new springs, but not at speed, and in the mean time I will practise hills a bit more.

Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: aidanh1 on November 09, 2007, 06:08:48 PM
yer down hill will be more tricky because on flat ground the diffrence the pads are to the floor is easy to claculate with your steps but down hill its more of a gap so your spring have more power to push down and speed you up disabling you to stop well

best thing to do is to jump from your left/right foot and go into a jump and lean a bit backwards suprisingly you do stop but it more fun and higher risk of falling over but then again that is the fun of PJ's  ;D

Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: webmaster on November 09, 2007, 06:15:37 PM
Ohhh this sort of reminds me of a friend of mine who tried the Pro-Jumps when we first got them in, he took to them naturally and was walking within mins, then he decided to "Show off" and do a bit of a run...

Let's just say he got great speeds and what looked like the spectacular front flip he did quite unintentionally was actually a tumble and a face plant  ;D
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 06:16:25 PM
Cool, i'll give that a go over the weekend.

Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: aidanh1 on November 09, 2007, 06:17:28 PM

i love the word face-plant i think its just funny lol and lool showing off dont get ya know were but the floor on PJ's
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: webmaster on November 09, 2007, 06:18:46 PM
Cool, i'll give that a go over the weekend.

I await the injury pictures lol

Just be careful, and you shall be fine  :)
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: aidanh1 on November 09, 2007, 06:24:00 PM
HUGE tip do not do a fast run to a jump on wet floor unless you have modded your hoofs or belive me youll go sliding ive done it  ;D

see i put myself on the line to give people advise hehe  :P
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 08:21:19 PM
HUGE tip do not do a fast run to a jump on wet floor

Lol, I was messing about in the garden the other day, found a patch of damp moss on the floor with one of the hoofs, lol, I slipped but recovered it ok, lol.

I await the injury pictures lol

Just be careful, and you shall be fine  :)

Me, careful? lol, rarely. I'm quite happy to get injured in the name of fun and learning. Had loads of crashes on my bmx, i've accepted injury as part of learning.

Lol, and there WILL be injury pics, cant say when, but i'll post them as and when. lol.

Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: Bbmthbloke on November 09, 2007, 08:41:26 PM

Yep it can be imperceptivaltos a noob but going down hill u gradually get more and more and more lift and bounce and just walking u are suddenly wooo stop im bouncing way too much ( i remember having to grab a wall as i walked down the most slightest of inclines as a noob --a didnt realise till then it was down hill  and b/ what down hill ment on bocks.

But pretty soon the brain ( its OK u dont need to do anything) will say rihgt' head un chest down   arse back'  Automatically center of gravity restored to a safe position  and 1 bocks on 1s way
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 08:49:25 PM
Cool. It'l be fun when I hit the mainland soon then, big ol hill on the way to my mums, lol.

I think i'm gonna work at it like unicycling, in terms of balance, I have found stilts and unicycling to be very similar.

Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: Bbmthbloke on November 09, 2007, 08:58:20 PM
it really isnt a prob in  time -- ded big decline between me and pub ---u bet i got round the prob quick ---1st off 1/2 mile detour   then learnt   just alter body position  but also  look out 4 the topography and adapt --- nowt stands in the way of me and a pint   erm or 3 or ---well u get idea.

On reverse I have walked home ( a fair bit up hill) 1mile  after 4 pints of real ale:o)
Title: Re: Running down hill...
Post by: lurchenstien on November 09, 2007, 09:02:44 PM
Lol, bet that was fun, lol.