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Members Lounge => General Bocking Chat => Topic started by: Bbmthbloke on March 30, 2008, 05:22:17 PM

Post by: Bbmthbloke on March 30, 2008, 05:22:17 PM
OK back in October the BBC put a call out and for an experienced ladee wot bocks. ANd our Jelly got the gig.

What did she ( and a host of other bockers) do? well check BBC3 on April 2nd at 2100.

OO and it will be available for down load for 7 days on BBCi
Post by: rickbicker26 on March 30, 2008, 05:27:44 PM
are ur sure Q i just checked and says 9pm on april 2nd is something called freaky eaters
Post by: Bbmthbloke on March 30, 2008, 05:30:39 PM
ooo yes Im sure

Whole host of bockers on it.  Dunno ifits whole program or not  or why its called that

But Claire, Stevie Dawesome Jelly and more are on it, honest ;D
Post by: webmaster on March 30, 2008, 05:32:10 PM
Yes, it will be on Freaky Eaters. She helps a girl boost her confidence by bocking.
I'll try to record it as well  :thumbs:
Post by: Spud on March 30, 2008, 05:42:07 PM
Yes, it will be on Freaky Eaters. She helps a girl boost her confidence by bocking.
I'll try to record it as well  :thumbs:

wow thats pretty sweet
Post by: Locky on March 30, 2008, 06:45:59 PM

its JELLY TV. Quality viewing and i aint even seen it yet :D
Post by: Jelly on March 30, 2008, 09:45:16 PM
They changed me at the last minute, i was supposed to teach helen how to bock. But Claire got in there instead. I was a bit upset but i will have my chance to shine again, at least i was bocking in the background showing them what i could do. Claire spent her time on the ground, but i got some wicked air, hopefully they will show me in action. jelly x
Post by: GRS on March 31, 2008, 12:07:51 AM
I remember reading something about it on the other forum a while back and thought at the time only you or the lovely Becky fitted the bill, don't be disheartened I'm sure there will be many more opportunities to get on tv and I see you are at the forefront of many charity events so you deserve it too.

But remember its the taking part that counts and if you had fun I'm sure it was worth it. Do you know if the girl took up bocking or not and did it help her?
Post by: Sx Nutta on March 31, 2008, 12:33:50 AM
We are slowly getting onto TV more and more now, lol  :banana:
Post by: Becky on March 31, 2008, 12:50:19 AM
I remember reading something about it on the other forum a while back and thought at the time only you or the lovely Becky fitted the bill, don't be disheartened I'm sure there will be many more opportunities to get on tv and I see you are at the forefront of many charity events so you deserve it too.

But remember its the taking part that counts and if you had fun I'm sure it was worth it. Do you know if the girl took up bocking or not and did it help her?
I was out with a broken leg! :)

Jelly will be on TV next, both Claire and I have had our turns now!

I was talking to the girl earlier and she is really excited about joining the bocking world! :)
Post by: webmaster on March 31, 2008, 01:09:09 AM
I had a brief chat with the girl that will be featured in the programme too, it seems like it will be a good watch, she even went swimming with sharks! Best news is she is going to take up bocking which is great, well done you all.
Post by: Claire on March 31, 2008, 01:53:16 AM
Jelly, I didn't get in there, it wasn't a last min thing, i was asked by the bbc weeks before the fiming, they told me that they were looking at a few posibilities, they did say that Becky had a broken leg and that they had asked if there  was another girl who could do good bocking, unfortunately my name was forgoten about, but the bbc saw a vid of me, and then contacted me, i was going to say nothing about some coments i have read lately, as Helen, the girl in the show, is more important, and  promoting the sport is important, but now you have backed me into a corner, why some of you are ganging up on me i don 't know,

  i have nothing to prove, and this is why i stayed of the forum in the first place, i am not the type to be put down,i may be blond but im not stupid, i thought we were all friends, and have only today invited you all to a gym meet for some fun,

its not my fault if they asked me, they told me they had only looked at options of who they would use, like an audition if you like, i had been bocking for a while longer than Jelly with more experience at teaching, so they just thought i would do,and again they said they hadn't given the job to anyone els, just had options,

this is suposed to be a way of helping a girl with confidence, and a promotion for the sport, Helen had a great time,she a wonderfull girl, and i felt proud that i had done my bit and hoped i had helped her,, and i loved it to, now you make me feel like i took it away from you, that is not the case, to be honest, you had only just started bocking, and you were doing realy well, its just that they wanted someone with more experience, and like Becky said you will get your chance on tv, so don't be sad, but please don't say i took it away, thats not true, and i will defend that coment.

there are a lot of people looking forward to seeing the show, but now this has put a blemish on it for me,

so far everything i have tryed to do i have met resentment, why i dont know, ?
Post by: webmaster on March 31, 2008, 02:22:27 AM
Jelly, I didn't get in there, it wasn't a last min thing, i was asked by the bbc weeks before the fiming, they told me that they were looking at a few posibilities, they did say that Becky had a broken leg and that they had asked if there  was another girl who could do good bocking, unfortunately my name was forgoten about, but the bbc saw a vid of me, and then contacted me, i was going to say nothing about some coments i have read lately, as Helen, the girl in the show, is more important, and  promoting the sport is important, but now you have backed me into a corner, why some of you are ganging up on me i don 't know,

i have nothing to prove, and this is why i stayed of the forum in the first place, i am not the type to be put down,i may be blond but im not stupid, i thought we were all friends, and have only today invited you all to a gym meet for some fun,

its not my fault if they asked me, they told me they had only looked at options of who they would use, like an audition if you like, i had been bocking for a while longer than Jelly with more experience at teaching, so they just thought i would do,and again they said they hadn't given the job to anyone els, just had options,

this is suposed to be a way of helping a girl with confidence, and a promotion for the sport, Helen had a great time,she a wonderfull girl, and i felt proud that i had done my bit and hoped i had helped her,, and i loved it to, now you make me feel like i took it away from you, that is not the case, to be honest, you had only just started bocking, and you were doing realy well, its just that they wanted someone with more experience, and like Becky said you will get your chance on tv, so don't be sad, but please don't say i took it away, thats not true, and i will defend that coment.

there are a lot of people looking forward to seeing the show, but now this has put a blemish on it for me,

so far everything i have tryed to do i have met resentment, why i dont know, ?

Claire, I don't think Jelly meant any harm by what she said nor did the others so don't take it to heart. I haven't seen any resentment towards you by any member of this forum and if you feel this is the case let me know and I'll sort it out as the last thing we want is for you to feel like this. You have to remember many of the members don't know who you are and how you are connected to the bocking scene in the UK so they just call it how they see it and for them the only lady's that bock are people like Becky, Jelly, Carma, Nikki who have been more active this year on the forums.

Many of the regulars who are also on PP remember the original thread where the lady at the BBC was asking for someone to help Helen and even on the day before filming she dropped Jelly an email and also asked for her number so everyone has since assumed Jelly was the mentor!

The main thing is that Helen got something extremely positive from the show, that powerbocking will get another showing on TV and that we have gained another bocker in Helen.

Post by: Becky on March 31, 2008, 02:39:02 AM
Hey Claire!

It seems to me that the BBC told both of you that you were the mentor! Think thats why it seemed to Jelly that she had been swapped last minute, and why you didnt realise that Jelly was there to also be the mentor. You can see why Jelly was a bit upset - wouldnt you be if the BBC had told you that you would be mentoring and you arrived to find someone else doing it?
Im sure the next time a bocking girl is needed on TV Jelly will be up there doing her thing :)

I dont think people are ganging up on you at all! Jelly is very well know as she has been on the forums for over a year, so people are looking forward to seeing her on tv as they know her better than you (many people have also met her as she has done lots of the big London meets), and in comparison you havent been on here very long yet, so people dont know you quite as well. Im sure there are also quite a few looking forward to seeing you (taking into consideration the many comments about a photo of you  :o)

We are all friends on here and from what I can see noone is saying anything against you at all!
Post by: Claire on March 31, 2008, 03:50:03 AM
Hi, Becky, it seems to me, that the bbc, asked me weeks before the day, to do the teaching with Helen, they also asked for some lady bockers, to show there skills, they said they had some but could we bring some more, thats when i found out that you had a broken leg,and the day before filming they spoke to me and told me who was coming, and who was doing what,

Jelly had been asked to show her bocking skills with the other guys and girls, Zeb, and Mk, showed there stunt skills with the other guys, and then the girls with Jelly did some bocking,

i think the problem is that over the past few weeks, people have just assumed that with Jelly rightly talking about the show, that she will be featured, thats why i tryed to explain in a roundabout way that i was doing the talking and teaching, and then Jelly could have told everyone exactly what her role was, that would have saved all this, and now with just a few days to go, something was, going to be said, otherwise on wed how would it look, so it seems to me, that this is just stupid, and Becky, with all due respect,you wasn't there,  and all that were there, had every oppertunity to say, if something wasn't right, so why is it now, after all these months, its brought up now,

i can't realy see the point of this thread being posted, especialy like i said, i have spoken about the fact that i am doing the teaching, on the posts for freaky eaters, the title of this post has sparked questiones, that could have saved this from happeneng, but now its up, it has asked the questions,and i think its unfair on me, and Jelly, who at the end of the day is a friend.

but Jelly did have a great time just like we all did, and, with all this im sorry that i did the show now,and,if Jelly had been asked to do it, i would have said no, but she was asked to show her bocking skills,and thats what she did in great way,   but like you said, the next time the TV want a lady bocker you will get Jelly to do it.
Post by: Becky on March 31, 2008, 11:05:24 AM
Hi, Becky, it seems to me, that the bbc, asked me weeks before the day, to do the teaching with Helen, they also asked for some lady bockers, to show there skills, they said they had some but could we bring some more, thats when i found out that you had a broken leg,and the day before filming they spoke to me and told me who was coming, and who was doing what,

Jelly had been asked to show her bocking skills with the other guys and girls, Zeb, and Mk, showed there stunt skills with the other guys, and then the girls with Jelly did some bocking,

i think the problem is that over the past few weeks, people have just assumed that with Jelly rightly talking about the show, that she will be featured, thats why i tryed to explain in a roundabout way that i was doing the talking and teaching, and then Jelly could have told everyone exactly what her role was, that would have saved all this, and now with just a few days to go, something was, going to be said, otherwise on wed how would it look, so it seems to me, that this is just stupid, and Becky, with all due respect,you wasn't there,  and all that were there, had every oppertunity to say, if something wasn't right, so why is it now, after all these months, its brought up now,

i can't realy see the point of this thread being posted, especialy like i said, i have spoken about the fact that i am doing the teaching, on the posts for freaky eaters, the title of this post has sparked questiones, that could have saved this from happeneng, but now its up, it has asked the questions,and i think its unfair on me, and Jelly, who at the end of the day is a friend.

but Jelly did have a great time just like we all did, and, with all this im sorry that i did the show now,and,if Jelly had been asked to do it, i would have said no, but she was asked to show her bocking skills,and thats what she did in great way,   but like you said, the next time the TV want a lady bocker you will get Jelly to do it.
The BBC lady contacted me no more than 4 days before the show and told me they needed a mentor for the filming. She phoned me and explained what she would want me to do as the mentor - until I pointed out my broken leg and she asked for further suggestions. So it is highly likely that she also did the same to Janelle. I wasnt there on the day no, but I expect I had a very similar conversation on the phone to the one she had with janelle.

Noone brought this up as an issue other than you! some people assumed jelly was doing the filming and she has explained that she isnt. Then we were all looking forward to the filming :)

Can this thread now please return to us looking forward to seeing both Claire and Janelle (and all the other bockers) in whatever capacity bouncing around on our tv screens! Good luck to both of you (and to the girl trying bocking).
Post by: webmaster on March 31, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
I think the problem is that over the past few weeks, people have just assumed that with Jelly rightly talking about the show, that she will be featured, that's why I tryed to explain in a roundabout way that i was doing the talking and teaching, and then Jelly could have told everyone exactly what her role was, that would have saved all this, and now with just a few days to go, something was, going to be said, otherwise on wed how would it look, so it seems to me, that this is just stupid, and Becky, with all due respect,you wasn't there,  and all that were there, had every oppertunity to say, if something wasn't right, so why is it now, after all these months, its brought up now

Claire, the first time the show was mentioned on this forum was in this thread and Jelly didn't mention anything about the show on here at all, even on PP all she mentioned was when the show would be aired. I think you've honestly taken it the wrong way but I understand sometimes when you are reading things on the forum and don't know the people writing them you can easily misinterpret what has been said. Also I think you are confusing what's been said by who and on what forums.  :(

i can't realy see the point of this thread being posted, especialy like i said, i have spoken about the fact that i am doing the teaching, on the posts for freaky eaters, the title of this post has sparked questiones, that could have saved this from happeneng, but now its up, it has asked the questions,and i think its unfair on me, and Jelly, who at the end of the day is a friend.

This thread was opened and written by Q not Jelly, Q's a gem, he must have realised no one has mentioned the show on here and just wanted to make sure that no one misses seen it. I don't think he meant you or Jelly any embarrassment and I'm certain he wasn't trying to make you look bad. If you look at the original post no roles are mentioned apart from Jelly would be there and rightly so.

I agree with what Becky's written above, confusion has taken place and the BBC got things twisted but its no point falling out over it now, these things happen all the time and I'm sure with bocking getting more popular everyone will get decent coverage.

I hope rather than arguing you see the positives of this filming, for me it would be that Powerbocking gets positive coverage on tv and we have a new bocker in Helen too so I think you ALL did an excellent job and you should take the plus point from it rather than the negatives which as far as I can see was a big misunderstanding.
Post by: Jelly on March 31, 2008, 01:10:14 PM
Im sorry that this topic has gone the way it has, and in response to the title, i explained that i didnt do the mentoring like i was asked to and people assumed so. I guess some wires got crossed as to who would be teaching Helen the ropes, this is down to the BBC. They did say to me that i would be teaching helen, like they said to Claire that she would teaching helen. Claire has more experience, so i can see why the BBC chose her in the end. The reason why this topic came up was because people assumed i would be doing it, because of the post on PP and the fact that i told a few people i was doing it because the BBC said i was going to do it. I was admittedly upset as i was looking forward to being on telly but like i said I will get my chance to be on telly again and im not holding any grudges. Plus we have gained another girl bocker which is great news for us girlies. Im sorry that this has caused such upset and hope that no offence was taken as this is not what is was supposed to do. jelly x
Post by: Locky on March 31, 2008, 01:14:36 PM
Love you jelly baby xx
Post by: Dark Knight on March 31, 2008, 01:24:13 PM
I love jelly too. I make my jelly with fizzy lemonade.  :biggrin:
Joking aside Jelly I know how it feels not to get on TV but your time will come.
And Helen's getting her pair soon so " bring on the girls "  ;D

It's down to about 1 girl in 6 now from 10 on this forum a year ago :thumbs:
Post by: Jelly on March 31, 2008, 01:25:52 PM
Love you Locky love DK MWAH MWAH MWAH. jelly xxx
Post by: Claire on March 31, 2008, 03:05:49 PM
well, and this isnt ganging up, I defended Jelly's coment saying that i took it away from her, i think its gone too far now, and i have more urgent things to think about, i can't be bothered, with ,he said she said, you just think what you like, it seems to me that whatever i say, you will make me apear in the wrong,

i took nothing away from anyone, i have tryd to save any embarasement, i even sent some pm's saying that to certain people,before all this started, but  now i feel you now mock me,

   i have feelings too, and i did no wrong to deserve this now, some know how to put a girl down, i was all excited about seeing myself on tv, its the first time i have been on tv apart from being one of the team in the background, so yes its my first real thing on tv, and i'm very frightened,

it was on the show that i became friends with Jelly, i never thouight this would happen, simply telling how it realy was is all that was needed.
Post by: Spud on March 31, 2008, 03:12:00 PM
anyhoo.... I am just looking forward to seeing bockers on the TV again  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: the publicity atm is amazing with sport releif and now this!!
Post by: GRS on March 31, 2008, 03:19:00 PM
well, and this isnt ganging up, I defended Jelly's coment saying that i took it away from her, i think its gone too far now, and i have more urgent things to think about, i can't be bothered, with ,he said she said, you just think what you like, it seems to me that whatever i say, you will make me apear in the wrong,

i took nothing away from anyone, i have tryd to save any embarasement, i even sent some pm's saying that to certain people,before all this started, but  now i feel you now mock me,

   i have feelings too, and i did no wrong to deserve this now, some know how to put a girl down, i was all excited about seeing myself on tv, its the first time i have been on tv apart from being one of the team in the background, so yes its my first real thing on tv, and i'm very frightened,

it was on the show that i became friends with Jelly, i never thouight this would happen, simply telling how it realy was is all that was needed.

Hi Claire, I don't really know you much, neither have I ever spoken to Jelly and I know I replied in this thread earlier but I was going from memory from what I read on the other forum and wasn't trying to take anything from you. If you feel I was, I'm sorry.

However from what I can see you are taking this too personally, Jelly has come onto this thread and has been amicable so maybe you should do the same. No one is ganging up on you and if they did I'm sure others would see that and step in to defend you.

anyhoo.... I am just looking forward to seeing bockers on the TV again  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: the publicity atm is amazing with sport releif and now this!!

Same here Spud.

Post by: Dark Knight on March 31, 2008, 03:23:02 PM
TV programs come and go Bockers are forever  :)
Yes I think most bockers would love to get on TV we are that sort of people and we may think, " Why didn't I get picked ? ". TV is just that way, you may feel upset ( I've been there many times ) but maybe your turns next ?
What counts is bocking is getting on TV.
No one ganging up or picking sides we are all bockers and WE ARE ON TV  :thumbs:
Post by: stevie on March 31, 2008, 04:02:43 PM
i agrea with dark night,
Post by: stevie on March 31, 2008, 04:33:29 PM
I don't want to be draged into an argument, but i might be able to cast some light here, i had a call from the BBC tv, asking me if i new any female Bockers in the London area, i mentioned Becky, and i also told them to look on the forums, they did say that they wanted someone from the south,as it would be a job in London,and there was no travel expence, but they didn't go into any detail, they didn't even ask about trickers, that was the last i heard about it until a few weeks later, when they phoned claire, they then asked about people who could do stunts.

i was there but i stayed in the backgrond, i think i put my stilts on for about 20 mins, but i was in a little pain and took them of and stayed out of the way.

this will be a good promo for powerbocking on TV, and the Bockers who are in this production, where having a great time as i am sure you will all see,
but the day did realy belong to a young lady called Helen, who now as a result of the production is Bocker, and thats what it is all about.

Post by: webmaster on March 31, 2008, 04:43:46 PM
I don't want to be draged into an argument, but i might be able to cast some light here, i had a call from the BBC tv, asking me if i new any female Bockers in the London area, i mentioned Becky, and i also told them to look on the forums, they did say that they wanted someone from the south,as it would be a job in London,and there was no travel expence, but they didn't go into any detail, they didn't even ask about trickers, that was the last i heard about it until a few weeks later, when they phoned claire, they then asked about people who could do stunts.

i was there but i stayed in the backgrond, i think i put my stilts on for about 20 mins, but i was in a little pain and took them of and stayed out of the way.

this will be a good promo for powerbocking on TV, and the Bockers who are in this production, where having a great time as i am sure you will all see,
but the day did realy belong to a young lady called Helen, who now as a result of the production is Bocker, and thats what it is all about.

Thanks for clearing things up Stevie, last thing we want is to blow things out of proportion, you're totally right the main thing is getting bocking on tv and that we have a new bocker in the community.  :thumbs:
Post by: Dark Knight on March 31, 2008, 04:48:32 PM
And she a girl  :biggrin:
She also show everyone that Bocking great fun ! Had she even seen them before let alone want to try them !?
1 down 6 billion to go  :biggrin:
Post by: hybrid_hex on April 01, 2008, 12:06:05 PM
Jelly, I didn't get in there, it wasn't a last min thing, i was asked by the bbc weeks before the fiming, they told me that they were looking at a few posibilities, they did say that Becky had a broken leg and that they had asked if there  was another girl who could do good bocking, unfortunately my name was forgoten about, but the bbc saw a vid of me, and then contacted me, i was going to say nothing about some coments i have read lately, as Helen, the girl in the show, is more important, and  promoting the sport is important, but now you have backed me into a corner, why some of you are ganging up on me i don 't know,

  i have nothing to prove, and this is why i stayed of the forum in the first place, i am not the type to be put down,i may be blond but im not stupid, i thought we were all friends, and have only today invited you all to a gym meet for some fun,

its not my fault if they asked me, they told me they had only looked at options of who they would use, like an audition if you like, i had been bocking for a while longer than Jelly with more experience at teaching, so they just thought i would do,and again they said they hadn't given the job to anyone els, just had options,

this is suposed to be a way of helping a girl with confidence, and a promotion for the sport, Helen had a great time,she a wonderfull girl, and i felt proud that i had done my bit and hoped i had helped her,, and i loved it to, now you make me feel like i took it away from you, that is not the case, to be honest, you had only just started bocking, and you were doing realy well, its just that they wanted someone with more experience, and like Becky said you will get your chance on tv, so don't be sad, but please don't say i took it away, thats not true, and i will defend that coment.

there are a lot of people looking forward to seeing the show, but now this has put a blemish on it for me,

so far everything i have tryed to do i have met resentment, why i dont know, ?

Care to introduce yourself a little more then?? I have seen posts from yourself from ages back!! where have you been hiding? what have you been up to?? hehe! (awsome flip video btw!)  :thumbs:
Post by: webmaster on April 01, 2008, 12:13:05 PM
Just some info...

I know some of you don't have BBC3 but I just found the following link where you can watch it live when it is aired

and its actually on a few times during the week too but early mornings

Freaky Eaters, Series 2, Addicted to Pasta
02 Apr 2008     21:00-22:00     BBC Three
03 Apr 2008     00:55-01:50     BBC Three
07 Apr 2008     02:40-03:35     BBC Three
08 Apr 2008     03:00-04:00     BBC Three
Post by: Jelly on April 01, 2008, 02:19:10 PM
Thanks Naz, we will have lots of chances to youtube it now. jelly x
Post by: xgouldleomx on April 01, 2008, 07:25:54 PM
omg all this over a thing on tv just leave it jelly and naz leave her alone i dont now any one  on here but al tell you this wot gose around comes around leave it now just shut up all of ya al shut up 2 if u just leave it. I  would like 2 say good luck but your al just being b***hiz stop  :banghead:.
Post by: Athoul on April 01, 2008, 07:27:42 PM
omg all this over a thing on tv just leave it jelly and naz leave her alone i dont now any one  on here but al tell you this wot gose around comes around leave it now just shut up all of ya al shut up 2 if u just leave it. I  would like 2 say good luck but your al just being b***hiz stop  :banghead:.


They had left it! Your the one bringing it back up
Post by: webmaster on April 01, 2008, 07:43:59 PM
omg all this over a thing on tv just leave it jelly and naz leave her alone i dont now any one  on here but al tell you this wot gose around comes around leave it now just shut up all of ya al shut up 2 if u just leave it. I  would like 2 say good luck but your al just being b***hiz stop  :banghead:.

Do you know what Leom, if you have the same attitude on this forum, like the way you have being carrying on, on PP, trust me you will be the first person I have ever banned.

@ Athoul Thanks.
Post by: Athoul on April 01, 2008, 08:11:26 PM
Oh its that  :censored:, well that explains it then
Post by: Spud on April 01, 2008, 08:39:38 PM
 :'( We all love the same thing. that is why we are here. This is a really nice forum and the people are super helpful. I don't like it when things like this happen.

It's not nice when people have misunderstandings on here. i believe they are the cause of most friction on here. Simple missunderstanding. What Was posted on here was out of the blue and no way fair on anybody. it was your first post too and was also really harsh on Naz and jelly. Naz is so nice on here and is so helpful. You dont know people on here. i dont really know jelly but ... Please...think, read before you make comments like that again.

your entrance to the forum was almost like you wanted trouble. I don't like it.

And naz you can delete this. it's not really my place to say anything but tbf I think this was really out of order.
Post by: GRS on April 01, 2008, 09:10:13 PM
your entrance to the forum was almost like you wanted trouble. I don't like it.

I 2nd that.
Post by: stevie on April 01, 2008, 09:25:25 PM
it might be an idea Naz to start a new thread, i don't know!!, the girls are all friends, nobody should read that coment any other way, Claire will be on later she's teaching at the moment, that was just a little fuss over a mix up and nothing more,

lets just get ready to watch the girls, and boys, on TV at 9pm tomoz, and chear them on, plus we get the chance to see our new bocker, Helen.
Post by: webmaster on April 01, 2008, 09:47:45 PM
I totally agree with you Stevie, I will be making a new thread and lock this one, this programme will be extremely positive for PowerBocking so it deserves its own thread which doesn't have all this misunderstanding and arguments in it.

@ xgouldleomx / leom If you have a problem with the way I handled the situation feel free to pm me but I felt I was fair to all parties concerned and wasn't taking any sides. However if I feel you are going out of your way to be disruptive on the forum it won't be tolerated.

@ Claire / Jelly if you feel this wasn't moderated correctly feel free to drop me a pm.