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POWER BOCKING EXPERIENCE => Beginners Board => Topic started by: Newbie23 on February 13, 2010, 02:17:00 PM

Title: My right foot feels a little loose?
Post by: Newbie23 on February 13, 2010, 02:17:00 PM
Ive had my pro jumps for about two weeks now, and i can walk fine, one foot jump fine, I do struggle to two foot jump and it would be awesome if i had some advice on this! But my binding on my right foot feels a bit looser than my left, its really off putting ! Please someone help ?
Title: Re: My right foot feels a little loose?
Post by: wolf on February 13, 2010, 02:50:05 PM
everyones feet are different including your own. my feet for example one foot is a whole shoes size bigger than the other.

just because you tighten your left strap six notches does not automatically mean your right one will be fine at six notches for example

so first things first tighten your right binding up a bit tighter but not so it is painful.
if you cannot physically tighten it any more because you have run out of binding wear bigger shoes such as a walking boot style. These are stiffer by nature and so will hold your foot better. If you dont have bigger shoes add and extra pair of socks it amazing the difference a thick pair of socks can make  :Cyes:

if all this does not help get someone else to check your bindings your mind can play tricks on you and make you think something is wrong when it is not just because the sensation is different to normal

finally sometimes your bindings get looser after walking around a bit as your feet and shoes settle so just tighten then up a notch or two nearly everyone has to do this when they put them on

good luck :D
Title: Re: My right foot feels a little loose?
Post by: Newbie23 on February 13, 2010, 03:13:05 PM
Thank you! Its a very annoying thing when you notice it!
I am pleased somebody replied... I will try it when i finish work, Cheers :)
Title: Re: My right foot feels a little loose?
Post by: Jason on February 13, 2010, 07:23:21 PM
If you have run out of adjustment on the bindings remember that you can use the ectra holes in the straps to shorten them

If you have already done that it's either bulkier shoes like Wolf suggested or glue a pair of flipflops onto the footplate

If you can't get it right either post some pics on here of get along to a meet and someone will normally have a fix

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:
Title: Re: My right foot feels a little loose?
Post by: Newbie23 on February 22, 2010, 08:25:18 PM
I wore my Nike 6.0's on them :) that worked! Thanks for your help everyone, they feel a lot safer now!

Thanks again :)