Pro-Jump PowerBocking Jumping Stilts Forum - Community for Power bocking / Pro Jumping!

Members Lounge => Non Bocking Chat => Topic started by: billymaya on January 20, 2011, 12:47:41 AM

Title: i've entered a bocking video into a competition :)
Post by: billymaya on January 20, 2011, 12:47:41 AM
well its kind of a bocking video me and my step son are on our stilts lol ive entered it into the cadburys spots double challenge top prize is £5000 god knows we could do with that lol and you also get a life like sculptured bust of yourself made entirely of cadburys chocolate lol if i win ill let you all have a nibble of me !!! that sound a bit wrong lol

heres the link for it take a look and tell me what you think and if yer wouldnt mind whilst your there voting lol ;)

i originaly had chariots of fire song in the back ground which was much more effective but they said i couldnt have it due to copyright so chose william tell's overture in stead