Author Topic: Pompy pix  (Read 2493 times)

Offline Bbmthbloke

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Pompy pix
« on: September 19, 2010, 07:48:19 AM »
Solent Life magazine wanted to do a lil article on us ( following on from moi being this months cover model) so sent a photographer along to a lil pompy meet. Here are some of my shots of the day

Sorry so a bit of a 'resizing' prob at mo    d'oh

.  Will prob be a few more next week, once Ive learnt to merge pix and can put a group of 'flippin'' pix together ;D

'So I do chocolate, I can handle it, I can stop....'

carefull...could have somebodies eye out !


'when i get the technology ( ie in my head)'...I think the 'picture' need to go on the 'screen'

bens 1st flip attempt in 'months' didnt go to well! But it was at the request of a magazine photographer....the pix i should have got but sadly didnt, was the look on 'his' face when he saw the result of what he had asked ben to do :D

D'oh, finally get um where u want um........

....and the firing squad has gone off for a fag brake grrrr

When I get better at photoshop, Ill change 1 of the signs to read 'ben' ;)

ignore him,.....

.....and he 'might' go away

Soz  not got 'lil miss sadbag'  will follow   but gotta go 'cruze ASDA' now ;)

More pix ( not by me) here

Pop back in a week or 2 and pix by the solent life photographer should be up   :oD