Author Topic: Blog "O" Rod!  (Read 5092 times)

Offline Rodamus_Zero

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Blog "O" Rod!
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:46:25 PM »
So I've been playing on my PJs for a good 3 hours now, I'm TOTALLY shattered... and mega thirsty...

I'm pretty much mastered walking up to this point, now I'm just having to learn to not walk like a duck, which is a major issue.
I found myself pointing my toes directly forward a new pain unto itself, it felt as if I had my toes pointing at each other but at least im not banging my springs and knee-bars together all the time.

I bocked up the confidence to get out of the garden and walk around the block a few times, catching a few glances from the neighbours and people around to see what their expressions were (Im as nosy as they are ^^).

I'm still not able to run yet, mainy because of the duck walking issue but I've sprinted a few steps here and there and managed to jump from foot to foot without issues.

Hauling around an extra 4 kilos on each foot is exhausting work and after a few foot to foot hops, took all my energy away and was an effort to remain standing.
Speaking of standing, I purposly feel down in order to try and get back up on my own, using the tutorial I found on Youtube and mirrored on the forums here in the "become a better bocker" section from Balthezar Arith.

I found it pretty hard to get up on one leg from kneeing, it took all of my strenght and then some to even attempt it, I know its the most important thing for any bocker to do, but I couldnt do it without using a nearby wall, I guess in time I'll learn how to do it. Ive studied the video in depth and even done it in slow motion so I'll have a go tomorrow and see.

Pictures to come shortly, I hope.
Yes, Im going to Capital Bocking, even if I cant bock around, I can still walk around  :P
Hopefully, I'll have learnt enough during the next week to flip around, or at least run properly, we'll see...
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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 05:58:51 PM »
Im sorry ,but best to get this over with quickly,  erm this forum has a zero tolerance policy re 'duckism' ;D

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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 06:05:02 PM »
cool, nice write up.
keep at it and it will get much easier, see you at capital

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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 06:59:41 PM »
glad to hear thigns are going ok for you

standing up un aided will get easier, very few ppl i know could do it wen they first started

but keep tryin nd it gets easier

u tried having a jump yet?


Offline Rodamus_Zero

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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 06:46:57 PM »
Day 2

One and a half hours worth of bocking, it was raining all morning so I waited till it all stopped and started to dry up.
Probably not the smartest thing in the world to bock around on a moist brick work drive-way but at least I didnt fall down, mind you, I slipped around a couple of times but not enough to throw me off balance.

Ive pretty much solved the ducking issue, I just started walking all over again, taking small steps at first, one at a time, with the adjacent hand following the adjacent knee (thats left hand following right knee for instance).
I kept my head up and looked forward all the time, never seeing exactly how my feet where doing but I knew that my toes were pointing forward because of the way my strides were, small and slow.
I brought my knees up each time with my legs slightly apart, now I only bang the Knee-bars and springs on rare occasions but I guess in time, I'll learn to do it without a single knock.

With learning to walk all over again, I decided to take bigger and longer steps, eventually turning them into long strides, before I knew it I was running!! bounding from foot to foot.
Stopping was alot more easier than I first thought, just slow down and then bend at the knee to absorb the stilts impact.
It was almost like bouncing on a trampoline or bouncy castle, if you wanted to stop going to high or stop jumping completely, you just bent your knees to absorb the impact.

Speaking of jumping, I thought it was time I tried it at least once, I held onto a nearby fence of mine and just tried jumping on the spot.
It didnt work out at first and wasnt getting much height at all, in fact... I wasnt even getting off the ground to begin with.
I discovered it was alot harder to compress both springs at the same time than just one at a time, I was bending my knees to try at least getting of the ground, it worked, but once again, it was only a few centimeters off the ground.
Then I thought "Why am I trying to do what the springs will do for me?!" and then it dawned on me. I somewhere shifted my center of gravity slightly behind me, jumped up once and then locked me knees straight...
Before I knew what I did... I was around a foot into the air!! It was a good thing I was still holding onto the fence as the landing was very bad  :(
I figured out that I should be trying to jump using my heels and not the balls of my feet as you would normally.
With that new found knowlegde in mind, my walk improved, my run improved, my hops improved, my bounce improved and my jumps improved!
Still not gonna let go of that fence mind untill my landings improve  :-[

Getting up un-aided is still a major problem, I thought it best to not try it on the moist brick work of the drive way, so I went into the garage, that has a lino covered floor.
In hindsight, not the best place to do it really as lino doesnt offer the best of grip and I think I would have been more secure, though wetter, outside on the driveway.
I dont think I have the leg muscules yet in order to pull it off, I had a hard time even swinging the stilt from behind to infront of me and constantly found myself falling over when I brought my leg up.
I eventually got to the point where I managed to get both "hoofs" to touch the floor again instead of my knees and toes but the amount of energy I was using to just get to that point ment I couldn't go any further.
I cheated while holding onto a desk to get back up again.

Back to the drive way, I improved my sense of balance while standing still using smaller stabilizing steps each time.
Bouncing around was fun, using what I had learnt in the jump, I applied it to simple bounces and hops using my hips to propel myself forward, it was alot easier to hop around than to jump, so hopefully tomorrow I'll discover a way to land correctly without stumbling around the place.

Now completely exhausted from the hour and a half of bocking around, I took the stilts off a found that I had a little bruise/graze/rash (yea, all in one) where my knee bar was, I think I might have done up the leg strap a bit too tightly, or not enough? Or I might just need to adjust the knee bar again...
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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2008, 07:09:45 PM »
That reads like a pretty much text book perfect way to procede. You got it bang on --if ou can post a vid --quality dont matter  and peeps wil give even more advice.

Re the rash you need the straps as tite as possible. To avoid rash  either wear long trousers or put somat between skin and strap/knee bar. Some usr athletic knee supports ( i had 2 around so use um) and cheap way is to just cut the foot of of an old football sox and pull up to cover the knee --or similat sort of thing

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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2008, 07:16:23 PM »
oo seems like the bocking is going well :thumbs:

Keep at it


Offline Rodamus_Zero

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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2008, 07:20:03 PM »
Day 3.

Another wett-ish day (dont you just LOVE Englands weather?!)
Though the sun came out better than yesterday and dried up the drive way alot quicker.

I bocked up the nerve to not use the fence as a saftey hold while I jumped around, I did little hops at first and then stupidly went as high as I could go, a good two foot or so in the air and not the best of landings... ok... I fell over for the first time  >:(
During the fall, I thought "I'm going to land on my elbows and break them, be in alot of pain, fall unconscious and wake up in hospital with casts on both arms".  :o
I heard a clunk and just stopped...
I'm SO glad I bought the saftey pad set when I ordered my PJs  :angel:
I landed square on my elbow and didnt feel a thing, the elbow pad absorbed all the impact! I laid on my back on the drive way wondering how to get up unaided now that I had, for the first time, offically fallen to the ground. The only problem is, I think I'm wearing the elbow pads backwards...

Last night I managed to find another video on Youtube that started over with someone attempting to get up unaided.
I thought long and hard about how to get up and wasnt going to use anything to help me this time, I was determined to get up by myself.
I rolled over onto my front and bent up on to my knees and thought about the posture needed. I brought my left leg around (which appears to be my strongest) and as close to my body as possible without it hurting, putting all the wieght on my right knee as I used my hands to adjust my left leg so it was in a better position.
Trying to get a grip on my back legs "heel" as much as possible, I realised that it wasn't needed, If I was going to push out from my back leg, I'd be going forwards instead of up, which I ultimatly wanted to do.
I figured that out after my first few attempts, resulting on falling over onto my hands. (Once again, I love the fact I bought the safety gear with the PJs, wrist guards are awesome!). Getting the posture I needed again, I got the bottom half (including the stilt) of my left leg as vertical as possible, where my left knee was now above my left shoulder as I bent over for stability with my right hand touching the ground.
Grabbing my left leg, just above the knee, I put all my wieght and effort into getting up and before I knew it, I was up bocking around again!

I deliberatly went down again to make sure it was a fluke and sure enough, I did the same routine. Again and again I tried and was back on my feet before I knew.
Thinking back to yesterdays blog, it dawned on me that leg muscles had nothing to do with it, it was all about posture and the correct balance needed in order to get back up.
Half a dozen times I tried and each time I got back up, I was over the moon! :laugh:

Then it started to rain >:(
Hopefully it clears up enough later long enough to go out bocking again...
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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 11:20:40 PM »
Thrid week into Bocking now.

Capital Bocking was awesome! to say the very least, It feels so great to be part of the whole bocking community  :thumbs:
I learnt quite a fair bit there though most of it was about jumping and maintance of Bocks.

Dom was great, he showed me how to get up after a fall (Thanks to everyone that offered to help me up assisted :P)
So Ive been expanding upon that really, nothing new there, just a better way of what I was already doing.

While I was hopping around the Basin, someone asked how high I could jump and then told me how I could gain more height (Sorry, I forget his name, but he was a major help!)
I was actually pulling up my knees all the time I was jumping, which was wasting a fair amount of energy and wasnt allowing me to get any higher. I was then told to keep my legs as straight as possible and then just before landing, bend me knees slightly, wait for the springs to compress, then leap higher.

By sure thing it worked, I immediatly felt higher off the ground, even if it was a few inches but I know I had gotten higher, my landing wasnt spectacular either as I wasnt concentrating enough, only amazed what a little knee work could.

Someone else then came over to me (once again, I apologise, I usually remember names and faces...) to help me jump on the spot while being supported by him.
Sure enough, I was jumping even higher that my landings where assisted which allowed me to focus more on jumping but it suddenly hit me about the 5th jump in that I wasnt confident enough to be going that high just yet, assisted or otherwise.

I watched Locky and a few others (I think anyone that had a real big stride and a fast pace) run around a few times and I basically followed their example.
On top of what I had already experienced while running, I put it all into practice, running with my legs forward (Like doing the Can-Can but going forwards to) actually generates a fair amount of speed.
While taking some really big strides and faster paces, Ive ran faster than I ever have in my entire life! I could feel the wind rushing against my face instead of just a mild breeze!
It was GREAT!
Then I relised I was running out of room (no pun inteaded) and had to stop pretty quick. Was just the same way of stopping I was using while hoping around but with more forward motion and a crowd barrier in front of me. :P

Thanks to Bobw for showing me general maintanance of Bocks :thumbs: and what I should do shortly to make the bushes last longer and generally have a quieter bocking experience. (Mine kinda rattle at the moment, Ive knocked a spacer out of place and need to glue in some bushes at the top of the frame so the bracket doesnt move so much. (Its making a clanking sound whenever the hoof hits the floor and because the bracket moves, Im losing a small portion of the springs power in my right stilt).
Theres a tutorial here on it: Thanks Gillybert  :thumbs:

Im just practising on getting higher jumps now, each day I seem to get higher and higher and with that said, my landings are really improving.
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Re: Blog "O" Rod!
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2009, 08:12:16 PM »
Sorry for how late im continuing this on ... but looks like your doing great :)

well done and thanks for the Good read!

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