Author Topic: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.  (Read 28266 times)

Offline Locky

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2010, 09:24:14 PM »
it does make you wonder what the TV producers were thinking.

Offline Trip

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2010, 09:58:59 PM »
Your so right Locky... The only way an act that dangerous should have ever got on live TV was 100% success in rehersal, plus proven track record doing that stunt for a show as big as that in Germany.. It looked risky, the performer rearly looked unsure of himself, first flip was so low, second was a no go, third was disaster..
Evil Keneval did this kind of stuff in the 70's but remember he was alot older plus was getting paid a fortune everytime he did it, millions infact!! For a student this is f**kin crazy, a young life, its wrong nothing anyone can say to me will change my mind about this.. Its never worth risking your life people on these things remeber pleeease

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2010, 10:31:49 PM »
It's unfortunate and a tough one to call. I wonder what they had in place, what criteria of circumstances that would make someone say ok this doesnt look good, lets not do it.

I'm not a professional but the bockers I've worked with I know and trust very well as friends and as performers and I'd be able to tell by their body language, facial expressions and look in their eyes if they were not 100% and I would stop it without even consulting them. I guess thats different cuz most of the WB's are teens so I feel obliged to look out for them.
It's completely tragic and I feel so bad for his friends, family and colleagues around him.
I really hope he makes it through this ok.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2010, 11:02:46 PM »
You know what really annoys me? The fact the daily fail are running a story about how Justin Bieber didn't get to perform, which is the story they are showing in their sidebar under "Don't Miss", whilst the actual story about Sam is buried in the depths of the website. Which is pathetic, since when did a lack of Justin Bieber take priority over a potentially seriously injured individual?

I seriously hope Sam is ok and makes a good recovery, although a medically induced coma isn't sounding too great :Cconfused:

Offline Trip

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2010, 11:04:37 PM »
Take this as a bit of free advice from someone a bit older than you. If your organising anything where there is the chance of injury never rely on instinct or looking into someones eyes. Everyone must sign a legal disclaimer if they are under 18 the parents and the performer must sign, I'd even record your explanation of the possible dangers to the performers. Someone on that show will be in serious s**te that you can be sure of, I know you'll say who the fxxx does he think he is but this is probably the best advice anyone will give you. Locks

Offline TomH999

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2010, 11:13:41 PM »
As sad as it may seem, a producers priority will always be ratings and money. With a show as big as this then there always going to push anyone to there limit.
Like Sprog was saying the actual accident it self was buried deep within the DailyMail website, there going to headline Beiber just so they get more hits.
Horrible isn't it, but this is the world we live in..

Offline Speedjumper

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2010, 12:13:12 AM »
Ok, a few additional facts for you:

1.) There is a starting discussion about the Show because....Samuel send in a less dangerous bet, and the Show works together with him to make the bet "more attractive" for the people. I don't know, which was his first bet, but the idea about jumping over 5 cars in motion was not from him.

2.) Samuel did not want a helmet! So each of us should rethink about protection.

3.) It's absolutly normal, that such kinds of bet will get a special live enhancement. So if a boy shows, that he can climb a house in 2 the show he will get 1:45 or so

4.) The Showmakers said, they did all for perfect circumstances. Light and all other things are made to support him perfectly.

5.) They also said, to decrease nervosity for the live performance, they let him train 2 times with the audiance before.

I talk with a few people who know Samuel personaly, they said me, his timing is absolutly perfect. That's not what i saw in the TV. His high wasn't high enough, he was very nervous. In my analyses, he touched with his head the car and got an additional rotating force. Surprisly he showed no reaction and that's not normal for a guy who started gymnastics with an age of 6. Maybe he got irritated by the head check, I don't know.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 01:55:36 AM by Speedjumper »

Offline RRparlbystumble

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2010, 02:38:45 AM »
holy sheet hope this guy gets better at least he was wearing spine and tail bone prtection;s horrible to think would of beeb better if the headline was "justin beiber injured by man of kangeroo shoes!"

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2010, 03:16:30 AM »
You know what really annoys me? The fact the daily fail are running a story about how Justin Bieber didn't get to perform, which is the story they are showing in their sidebar under "Don't Miss", whilst the actual story about Sam is buried in the depths of the website. Which is pathetic, since when did a lack of Justin Bieber take priority over a potentially seriously injured individual?

That is exactly what was bothering me too, this story has only got the global coverage originally due to a tweet by Justin which made #prayforsamuelkoch trend on twitter, I think it may have got buried completely otherwise and would have had local coverage only, Daily Star is now reporting on it, but the angle isn't about Samuel as much but more about how worried Robbie Williams is about him

The following article asks a  few thought provoking questions at the end about the society we now live in..

Offline English-tailor

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2010, 04:08:38 AM »

2.) Samuel did not want a helmet! So each of us should rethink about protection.

There is nothing that will protect you from breaking your neck....... I hope he makes a good recovery

Offline RRparlbystumble

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2010, 12:27:51 PM »
it would be nice if the reporters got the name of the sport right. they probably don't even realise it is a sport with a massive Community of lovely people :) :PJR:

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Offline Paul-Self

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2010, 01:38:57 PM »
The story is on page 24 of the sun newspaper today for anyone following it closely.

Will flick through the other papers soon and see if its anywhere else

Will probs put a lot of parents off.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 01:45:05 PM by Paul-Self »

Offline Locky

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2010, 07:29:46 PM »
it's hit the bbc now, not that it makes a difference.

I really hope this doesnt put the whole bocking world in a negative light.

Offline Jason

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2010, 07:58:29 PM »
It made the middle or just after in the Metro (London Free paper)

The only up side of this is it would be very hard to put an anti-bocking spin on this whole thing as there were so many other things involved

So lets all hope he recovers quickly and fully

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline aidanh1

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2010, 09:10:59 PM »
I agree with Jason it does look bad yes but it wasn't the stilts fault he did it really it was he's experience and the situation if anything the stilts will just be advertised

I really hope this guy is gonna be ok I also like the send a hug card to him from us all that would be nice :)

Get Well Soon Sam :)

Aidan :Cwink:

                                              i carnt spel... or maybe you cant read ;)

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2010, 09:42:31 PM »
There is nothing that will protect you from breaking your neck....... I hope he makes a good recovery

Not entirely true. A neck brace and a full-face helmet would go a long way.

I imagine they suck to get used to. Visibility would be impared and movement would be reduced (that's the point). But once you did get comfortable with it you'd be able to do all the same tricks you can do without the protection. Motocross riders and some BMX riders have started using Leatt neck braces. BMX riders do tricks which require just as much movement and flexibility as anything we do on Bocks. I think Chad Kagy was looking into designing something as well.

So yes, it would mean reduced mobility (that's the point), a slightly restricted field of view, and an increase in weight (how much of an increase would depend on the materials, price & quality of the helmet), but I think ultimately it would be worth it.

A full-face helmet and neck brace are probably a bit extreme for your typical bock in the park. But I think they're a good idea for anyone testing the limits of what's possible.

They don't look too bad either.

It's mostly just BMZ racing and downhill that make use of it at the moment. But if Kagy can do his stuff in a brace, we should be able to do ours. =)


So apparently I don't know how to post pictures. =/ If you want to see one just google Leatt BMX Neck Brace.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 11:15:58 PM by webmaster »
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline Trip

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2010, 02:28:39 PM »
The story is quiet big global news now, has anyone actually heard any news about how he is doing. I've had quiet a few random people phone me up asking about the accident because they know i used to sell them. Unfortunately in all extreme sports accidents like this are going to occur snowboarding, skateing, motorcross the list goes on. The problem is this accident was one of the most graphic i've ever seen on TV, most of these accidents occur in small groups or someone captures the accident on a mobile phone not a full production TV studio with millions of viewers.

I fear that because of this the sport will be affected and will be seen as a very high risk activity in the future, the typical TV apperances that have happened will be alot less attractive for these shows in the future. I hate to say it but if I was a parent thinking of getting a pair of stilts for my child and didn't know much about them that would make up my mind for sure.

Over the years i have been amazed something like this hasn't happened sooner and was always at the back of my mind at meets and events i've seen. Many Bockers do take incredible risks, its the nature of the sport at the extreme end as the envelope of what is possible gets pushed further and further. For me when i was first involved i always wanted to see the stilts promoted as a way of staying fit, running and doing a few basic stunts. Thats what it was like when we started but it has become who can flip a car, who can barani, who can back flip etc etc. I think this may be a time for Bockers to re evaluate the risks and stay as safe as possible. Sorry for the rant this is only my opinion.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2010, 07:40:06 PM »
All we know atm is that he has just come out of a 2.5hour operation and is in recovery, doctors have not said whether or not he has any long term damage, but atm it looks like he got of very lucky :)

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2010, 09:19:27 PM »
Today he has an additional operation because they must decrease the pressure in his spinal chanel. Now he is awake from coma but paralyzed in arms and legs. Must not be the last result. His Docs said...we can say final things in about 2 weeks, but not itm.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2010, 09:53:09 PM »
OK Lothar gave me some more information for me to translate
Sam Koch had one operation and was found to be awake after being in a coma, he has since had a 2nd operation. He is now able to communicate with the doctors but only by using eye and slight head movements. His arms a paralyzed and his legs partially paralyzed. He is currently hooked up to breathing and feeding apparatus.
In 2 weeks he is hoped to start his rehabilitation, more news will be given at this point.
EDIT* Doctors have said that they are hoping he leaves on his legs, and that from studying the video and other footage they believe there was more force than originally thought, causing him to rotate faster than he should have, any less then they think he would have made it, any more and it would have been so much worse.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2010, 10:23:29 PM »
Thanks for the update DC & Lothar.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2010, 12:26:32 AM »
I really hope he makes a successful recovery

My thoughts go to Sam, his family and friends.

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2010, 03:17:13 PM »
I wonder if sam koch knows about the forum  i think he would be overwhelmed with the ammount support getting from the powerbocking community  :Csmile: :)

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Offline TomH999

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2010, 03:46:47 PM »
I wonder if sam koch knows about the forum  i think he would be overwhelmed with the ammount support getting from the powerbocking community  :Csmile: :)

Im sure all active bocking forums across the world will have a thread about the accident

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Re: Some guy bails a flip over a moving car on a German TV show.
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2010, 07:50:17 PM »
That's so terrible! Poor guy. =( It's a tragedy when anyone has an injury like this, but it's extra sad when it happens to someone who so loves to move freely and expressively. I hope he's up and jumping as easily as ever in due time.

Thanks for the pics fix Naz. I'm seriouly considering getting a neck brace, and I'll definitely wear my back protector in future.
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.