Author Topic: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ  (Read 18664 times)

Offline Carma

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Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« on: December 27, 2007, 05:26:24 PM »
This could prove a contraversial subject, but I feel I need to gauge everyones feelings on the matter before continueing. Everyone is willing to voice their opinions (And I do encourage it so the IBz, and of course myself, have an overall foresight on the issues this may cause) but its mainly those of the Invicta BockerZ I wish to hear from due to it concerning yourselves only. Heres a brief outline of the funding issues:

Upcoming projects which will need funding in order of priority:

1)Group PLI - Now, this needs to be discussed with everyone as it may result in everyone choosing (or not choosing) to get their own individual PLI, however, should enough people agree it might very well be cheaper for everyone to pay say £10-£20 for a years cover, any excess of which will go towards funding the fuel costs for the van to Capital Bocking next year. I have yet to get a quote for group PLI however Individual PLI is £44.50 PA.

2)Invicta BockerZ Website - This is something I am considering paying for myself at the moment, due to the group being so new its not really of dire importance. However I feel it would be a nice addition early on so I will probably sort this out for everyone myself.

3)Invicta BockerZ Banner - This is of second importance due to it having out website name on, the name of our 'possible' associates, and the name of our group printed professionally on a large sized vinyl banner. This will be a one off purchase which should last us many years, and will come to every meet with us as well as adorning our van when we arrange trips.

4)Fuel Fund - This is starting to become more and more important than the banner due to it being more useful to the group as a whole. The Fuel Fund would only be for the two large meets each year, Capital Bocking and Children In Need (CiN). However as the group grows, this can and will be reassessed as a more regular tool for the Invicta BockerZ.

I am sure you all understand how these 4 factors will GREATLY progress the group into a more tempting area for the general public. It should also promote the sport for the simple fact that we have certain issues covered as a group. I am also sure you all understand how these factors better the events for the Invicta BockerZ as it should mean we will have no problem being able to include EVERYONE in the large events next year.

Please everyone point out all issues and tips you have with these points so I can address them all with better knowledge for the future!!!

I am also aware that a LOT of this will boil down to everyone trusting me with the fund. I would love to know if there is a way we dont have to all trust it to me, so no one is ever in any doubt about the distribution of funds

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2007, 05:59:07 PM by Carma »

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 07:55:51 PM »
I know I'm not an IB but here are my thoughts....

1)Group PLI

I personally don't think this is needed unless you get a few bookings in advance and it makes more sense to pay upfront for the whole year or for the group. You can insure yourselves individually per event basis, I don't think a fund is needed, the group members should do their bit & insure themselves - I think its under a tenner per event per person.

This way you are not taking the responsibility for others and if people don't want to or can't afford it for any reason they don't have to take part.

2)Invicta BockerZ Website

I think for the moment you just need to initially get a website together, it's not too expensive tbh and you could probably fund it yourself or get everyone to chip in a few quid. This is more where you can give people local info about yourself and can be a focus point to create your own individuality.

3)Invicta BockerZ Banner

Again this is something which gives you more of the "professional group" look, its something nice to have but not necessary. The prices you quoted you could get this done easily and not have to worry too much about contributors, although if the group members like the idea & give a few quid each again it takes the pressure of you to pay for it yourself ;)

4)Fuel Fund

I'm 50/50 on this, I don't think its needed but could work. Again it all boils down to how much the group want to "cough up" to me its common courtesy that if someone offers you a lift at the very least you share the fuel cost equally.

If public transport is used or if a vehicle is hired again people just need to pay in their own way.

I think the most important thing to remember is many of the members are young in the group and simply can't afford to contribute, others will find they can contribute more and then it  may become a problem as at the end of the day human nature kicks in and some will feel they are always paying their way and others aren’t.

I think you put your heart in the group which is amazing, and you do far too much, I think the other IB’z need to step up and share the passion, and have the same drive as you otherwise you’re going to get exhausted!! 

Offline Jason

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2007, 09:13:29 PM »
Hi Carma
When you find out about the cost of PLI (and what level the cover is) would you be able to stretch it to anyone that wants it or maybe start a National cover of sorts

A long while ago I started a thread on forming something like I have for flying Model Heli's we join the BMFA and pay a yearly fee about £40 and that covers all the admin, news letters, free legal cover, 5 million PLI cover and various other things

So if I drop a heli on someones granny she doesn't get my house as compensation  ;D

Now I know that a lot of people don't want to have an organised body running the Bocking comunity but if you know of a specialist insurer who would be willing to give good group cover for a lot of Bockers I would be happy to join just for the insurance cover

So if I manage to drop myself on the same granny she doesn't get my house  ;) ;D

After all accidents do happen and even if it isn't our fault we are likely to get blamed as we are a minority and often misunderstood
And it is getting a bit like the US over here now and becoming a suing culture


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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2007, 09:20:29 PM »
I know what you are trying to say Jason, I've tried a few times to get decent cover for groups and theres always one issue or another, when the CiN one got cover they spoke to a few underwriters before one was willing to cover as a group.

Balancing it out I think £44.50 for a year is a very good deal, thats just over 12p a day to insure yourself and who ever can afford it should cover themselves. I'm still looking into ways of getting this reduced so see what happens.

After all you don't want the granny to get your house and then pass it on to her cats  ;D

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2007, 11:43:32 PM »
After all you don't want the granny to get your house and then pass it on to her cats  ;D
No worry there !? Jason's could fall on the cat too  ;D

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2007, 12:05:40 PM »
Come on IBz! This is your group! I cant do anything without your input, help me out here. Let me know what you guys want!

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2007, 12:27:19 PM »
can i just throw my 2p in here?
firstly i think your the sort of person that writes lots and lots of lists aint ya carma?
well i know it is a different sport but i have had the same sort of problems the last few months, with airsoft.
a selection of my mates and i have been skirmishing with airsoft guns for ages now, and sure enough people catch on and join up, you get cheating and so you make more rules.
there was a change in the law regarding airsoft in october and this meant we was breaking the law by skirmishing as we were not a professional club.
so i figure to save the arse ache ill make a club, get us insured to a factory my mate owns and everyone will be "jiggy"
now the more and more work i put into setting up this club, talking to insurers and police etc, the more and more the skirmishes i used to play and love were destroyed by paper work and egos.
so i stepped away in the end and let the people who wanted to start the club to make money do what they wanted.
the original lot still skirmish where we used to, we went out christmas day and had a wicked lil shoot at each other.
i suppose what im trying to get at Carma is dont take summat you love and let other people turn it into a chore.

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2007, 12:38:41 PM »
Thanks Nero. I am very touched by the support I get through this site, I must say its a welcome contrast to other forums about. I think I will start to make certain changes myself seeing as I seem to one of the few that are active/passionate members. There are a few people here who know what I am actually trying to organise in terms of specifics and I think those people understand the reasons for these ideas. Naz being one, and she has already pointed out certain potential issues with these ideas. Its probably going to have to be a case of asking everyone to trust me with these plans. They arnt going to really affect them anyway. :)

Dont really understand about me writing lots of lists lol. I am normally lazy.

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

Offline Nero

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2007, 01:18:55 PM »
you seem like that type of person thats all, one who makes lists of lists of everything they need to do

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2007, 01:29:52 PM »
you seem like that type of person thats all, one who makes lists of lists of everything they need to do

Lol, well now you say it, I am one of either things. EXTREMELY organised or extremely unorganised hehehehe

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2007, 04:58:17 PM »

i think this is a good idea, as it is getting more like the us over here and i hope i dont fall on any one but i know it can happen.

go for the web page, i have now got a dslr so at the next meet, i will be able to get some nice pic's for it as well hopefully there will be more people as well.

the banner i think is a good idea but then some one would have to hold it etc.

the fuel is a good idea but i think as well people should offer the person who is driving some money(if it is a longish trip(not from the station to there house ;))

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2007, 01:59:35 PM »
Nope the banner will be tied to the railings at every meet, as its going to be 2x6 foot :D

Thanks for the comments Toddy!

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2007, 05:44:35 PM »
Yay for website!

Yay for Tee's!

Throw petrol money at the person you can grab a lift off

OOoooo banner, how much contribution do you think you'll want!?

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2007, 06:06:50 PM »
Yay for website!

Yay for Tee's!

Throw petrol money at the person you can grab a lift off

OOoooo banner, how much contribution do you think you'll want!?

I will be letting you all know very soon :D

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

Offline GRS

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2007, 06:48:50 PM »
I've been watching this thread and it's great to see some of the IB giving their input. Well done!

You guys are a new group so it's all trial and error, because of work and the family I never make it to meets (Thanks Becky for all the EPB emails  :-[ sorry I still haven't been down to any)

but reading the forums I can see many groups are about and they seem to work well without a funding pot but you guys should try what works for you and if it doesn't work at least you gave it a try?

There's never a complete perfect way to do things but speak to others who run them and take their advise too, I know Becky always emails all the EPB and that way she manages to give them all the info and if they come along then they pay their own way. I know the Jurassics move around to different locations so no one misses out and use more of a pay as you go system which I think works really well.

But you shouldn't be scared to try new ways so Good Luck  ;)

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2008, 02:29:09 AM »
Regarding the website, I have my own webserver plugged in 24/7 in an office on the high street, and I'd be happy to aid in setting up an IB Web Shindig, I've had a bit of experience in said matters and wouldn't be too much trouble to do!
The only cost incurred would be the Web Adress, which is only £3-£5 a Year, so not pricey ;)

With funds, could you open a group bank account? I just opened one for me and a group of friends with HSBC going to Peru (Trying to raise the cash) and although there is a LOT of paperwork to get it opened, it offers things like recipts on everything, a bank "History" of all withdrawals/deposits and things like requiring two signitures (And a list of signitories) to be able to take money out/make changes to the account :police:

Edit:Oh, and Happy New Year! ;D
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 02:56:50 PM by Jevans »


Offline Charlie B

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2008, 04:08:21 PM »
Just seen this so appollogies for late post

If you develop your group into a formal club, which does not take much more than you have at the moment then you can get a bank account. Ensure this has two signatories upon it and ask your group for a small subcription.

Once you have funds in your account the fun can begin. With a club account you can start to apply for grants to develop your club. Main fund would be awards for all where you can bid for up to £10,000. This can be towards the costs of training people or hiring of equipment or venues to train in.

May also be local funds you can apply to, to find out speak to your Council Sports Development Officer.
Grow old disgracefully

Offline Carma

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2008, 06:57:51 PM »
Toddy and I have managed to come up with a way of funding the group. So thanks all for you ideas!

The bank account will be set up with three signatures.

-Carma (The Bocking Rocker)

Offline KentLee

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2008, 10:48:35 PM »
so whats the deal with the funding how will it be done and whos signatures will be on the account and also why... :banana:
Freedom bocking. no ties to any clubs but friends with them all. this is the way forward.....

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2008, 11:12:21 PM »
We've set up the WB with an ordinary club account that needs 2 signatories and along with our membership agreement I believe it makes us the first formal bocking club in the uk (and maybe beyond).

The bank account itself doesnt set you up for funding though. Thats a whole different ballgame lol.

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2008, 11:31:17 AM »
Locky, we have the funding covered and we will be doing it ourselves. The bank account is where we will transfering and keeping the money. :)


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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2008, 12:13:30 PM »
ah see i use a mattress for stashing my cash. Far more better. Init.

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2008, 12:18:25 PM »
ah see i use a mattress for stashing my cash. Far more better. Init.
Not if it's loose change  ;D

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2008, 03:10:03 PM »
ah see i use a mattress for stashing my cash. Far more better. Init.
Not if it's loose change  ;D


Just read Uncle Matt's post about the formal club set up, it's a great idea and a good way forward especially with CharlieBs post suggesting funding could be available but I worry sometimes as with all things formalised, a lot of rules come into play and I would hate to see something like what AirRunners have done in Australia with a bocking association in the UK ( as it seems so heavily influenced by Air Runner its shocking  :o

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Re: Your opinions on the funding of Invicta BockerZ
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2008, 03:57:25 PM »
The airrunnner thing looks horrible. Its like the have a hold on most bockers. Also looks like there membership thing makes normal bocking a serious competition. Different ranks and stuff. Its sad. Looks like a lot of the group spirit and supporiveness of each other could easily lost if this kinda thing is brought here. I spose we are lucky coz if it does we are already in established groups :) No need to be brainwashed for the prize of possibley getting some free bocks for ??? that is sure gonna take the fun out of it.