Author Topic: Weight loss  (Read 2774 times)

Offline Jason

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Weight loss
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:38:36 PM »
Hi all

I started on Bocks to lose weight and get fit about 4 years ago (Maybe longer  :Claugh: )

Well I got fit but the more I bocked the more I wanted to eat so although I didn't gain any weight I didn't lose any (No will power I guess  :Cbiggrin: )

I know a few others on here started Bocking for the same reasons (Nothing to do with it being fun of course  :Claugh: ) and have had varying success with the weight loss

Well just for the few that have the same problem as me (no will power) I have found a great way to loose  weight

It is called alternate day fasting and I have managed a steady weight loss over the last 3 months

The great thing is you only need 24hrs of will power and you can sleep 8 of those  :Claugh:

It is so simple all you do is work out how many calories you should be having a day and devide it by 5

For me this is about 600 so on mondays I only eat 600 calories and tuesday I eat anything I like

Wed 600, Thurs anything, Friday 600 and anything I want all weekend

 I have managed to get from 19st down to 17st so far and am feeling a lot fitter

Only one bad side to it  is that I now need new springs as I am having trouble bending my old ones  :Claugh: well they are now 13kg to heavy  :Cbiggrin:

Google it and you will get all the info you need and as always check with your GP if you have any med problems

The best bit is there are no costs to it as you don't need to buy anything except normal food

Hope this info helps a few people as much as it has me as I now feel that my proper weight of 15 stone ish is only an few months away and hopefully I will now live a bit longer and be more active

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline Gremlin

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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 10:08:35 PM »
I was watching a video on here of the first time i meet you and got on the stilts and you can notice how much you have lost from then till now keep at  :Cnotworthy:

Offline Greggles

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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 11:03:11 PM »
hmmmmmm you want to watch yourself with that tho mate coz when you start eating normally again you will chuck it all back on (like my dad did when he did this) unless you eat the right amount of calories a day and not just that but all of the correct things your body will need in my opinion the only way to get yourself fit and healthy is hard work and determination there is no quick easy way of doing it

but the best thing i have found in the last few months iv gone from 13.5 st to 11.7 st and but built myself up more of a figure just mainly by watching what i eat and doing regular exercise and sit ups and push ups (various different ways) every other day

with what you eat the best thing you can do is try to avoid things with a high fat content under 5% is best and just control your portions it dosent matter how hard you work in the gym if you cant control your plate

give it a go by all means but just watch yourself as 1 you dont want to put it back on again when you stop and 2 you dont want your body going into starvation mode as it will start to shut it down making you tired and lazy and will make it harder to lose more weight

Offline Jason

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Re: Weight loss
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2012, 08:24:25 PM »
See what you mean there Greg

I didn't explain it very well by calling it a Diet it is more of a lifestyle change as you continue eating the same way for ever

There is lots of info on the internet about various forms of alternate day fasting or Restricted calorie intake

A lot of scientists have been playing with the idea for many years and have found that lab animals put on a restricted calorie intake live a lot longer (in some cases twice as long) and are much more active during there life and further into their old age

There was an interesting program on it a few months ago where they compared the average 50=+ year old against someone who had been on a fasting diet for many years and the results were amazing
So much so that the presenter (who's wife is a GP) has now started it

The took them to  independant doctors who came up with some opinions that made me want to try

After the examinations they reconned that the average 50+ guy was a 1 in 10 candidate for a long list of nasties  (Blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes cancer etc the list went on) and would be in the majority of 60+ people that have to take 6 or more meds a day to stay alive and he wasn't that fat or unfit

The guy on the restricted calorie diet they reconned he had a 1 in a million chance of getting any of the forementioned complaints and was the picture of health (not under weight or malnourished)

The final doctor was a skin specialist and was asked to guess their ages he was shocked when the got the guys age wrong by 20 years  :Claugh:

Now I know I can't undo all the years of abuse I have put my body through  :Claugh: but at least I can try and mend it a bit

And I must admit on the fasting days I feel much more active and focused

Food also tastes better on the eating days

I have always liked salads and "good for you" foods so I do get a lot of healthy eating

Anyway watch this space mate and if I am Flipping next to you next year it has worked   :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: